Are you struggling today? Is there too much 'noise' in your life? Then join us as we set aside the cares of this week and enter into the presence of our King. Rest, renew, refresh.
Thought for Today: Shabbat September 10:
Wait with YHVH in His Presence for a while. He has so much to tell you. You are walking along the path He has chosen for you. It is both a privileged and perilous way; experiencing His Glorious Presence and heralding that reality to others. Sometimes you may feel presumptuous to be carrying out such an assignment. Do not worry what other people think of you. The work He is doing in you is hidden at first. But eventually blossoms will burst forth and abundant fruit will be borne. Stay on the path of Life with Him. Trust Him wholeheartedly, allowing His Ruach to fill you with Joy and Peace.
Different people use different calendars. But for me, I will continue to use the Hillel II calendar. One of the reasons is because the holy days for the year are fixed which makes it easier to plan ahead. I've seen some organizations use a sighted-moon calendar and when a new moon comes later than projected, they have to adjust the rest of the calendar which changes the dates of the holy days. This makes it more difficult to plan ahead.
Other reasons why I like to use the Hillel II calendar is in this article.
Many in religion say that "Christ is the end (termination or abolishment) of the Law." Is that true? Has Messiah abolished the Torah? If not Messiah, has Sha'ul (Paul)? In this two part video series, G. Steven Simons addresses this question and the place of the Torah in the New Covenant. He clearly reveals from Scripture that both Yeshua and Sha'ul (Paul) taught right-standing through belief and right-living through obedience.
Have a happy Sabbath and weekend!
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