2. How To Share YHVH’s Peace With Others:
A – Pray For Them:
Make a list of people that you know, who do not know the Peace of YHVH in their lives [might be friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc]. Let this list be your main prayer list that you go over every single day. Our prayer is that YHVH would move in their hearts so that they would be receptive to His message of Peace. When the Apostle Paul appeared before King Agrippa, he attempted to lead Agrippa to Moshiach. Paul testified in -- Acts 26:29: And Paul said, I would to YHVH, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds. Paul’s prayer was that King Agrippa, as well as the crowd that day, might know the peace that comes from a relationship with Yeshua Moshiach. Never underestimate the power of prayer, it works!
B – Empathize With Their Situation:
There are not many examples of peace in this world. This is especially true when it comes to people’s emotional and spiritual state. If most people we met would be honest with us, they would have to admit that their inner life is in turmoil. Rather than rebuking them for not having it all together, Yeshua calls us to empathize with them, to understand them, to show them love. Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when YHVH called you. -- 1 Corinthians 1:26. When I was called to YHVH’s Peace in 1981, I was a person that many in the church would not have given the time of day to. Thank YHVH, some wonderful believers understood the inner turmoil they had experienced themselves and were willing to open up their hearts.
C – Accept Them as They Are:
A number of years ago I saw a man I attended high school with. He had long hair, smoked pot and was a genuinely nice guy. I tried to build up a relationship with him and we used to eat lunch together. One day I invited him to come to a special service at the church. That is when he told me about some of the colleagues, he worked with who attended another church in town. He said that on a daily basis these guys would make fun of his hair and inform him he was going to burn in hell; he said they even seemed to enjoy that fact. I will tell you the same thing I told him; the issue is not your hair, your bad habits or what you have pierced or tattooed. The issue is, are you willing to accept the peace that comes from a relationship with Yeshua Moshiach? But YHVH Commendeth His Love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Moshiach died for us. -- Romans 5:8. Sometimes we get so tied down in wanting everybody to look like us, talk like us and be like us in every way, that we forget that YHVH Loves them just like they are.
D —Communicate Clearly:
…withal praying also for us, that YHVH would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Moshiach, for which I am also in bonds: that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. -- Colossians 4:3-4. To communicate clearly means this; we are not communicating our denomination or non-denomination, we are not communicating our suburban culture, we are not communicating our particular style of worship. What we want to communicate is Yeshua Moshiach and Yeshua Moshiach alone. I am not trying to win anybody over to the way I dress, comb my hair, the kind of car I drive or the type of music I listen to. So many times, we let side issues that have nothing to do with our faith, get in the way of communicating the mystery of Moshiach. I want to communicate the simple message that through Yeshua Moshiach you can have the peace you have been looking for.
E – Expect Results:
For the Word of YHVH is quick and Powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart – Hebrews 4:12. When sharing the Good News of Moshiach in the way described above, we allow the Word of YHVH to do its work. Even if a person, or friend never comes to know the Peace of Moshiach. We can rest assure that we have done what YHVH asked us to do. All of these elements will help us to become peacemakers. Perhaps you have seen the bumper sticker: No Moshiach – No peace! Know Moshiach – Know Peace! That bumper sticker sums it all up. When we truly know Moshiach in personal relationship we know what it means to live lives of peace. And once we have come into that relationship, the thing that is foremost in our minds is being able to share that peace with others.
There are far too many troublemakers in the world and far too few peacemakers? The truth of the matter is; our world knows almost nothing of genuine peace. Our world peacemakers have a rather dismal record, the peace that we hail today begins to collapse tomorrow. It seems like every year that we read about a new peace accord in the world. And every year, we read about new hostilities breaking out in the world. Someone once said that the United Nations is filled with peace monuments; they build one after each war. In our world, peace has merely become that glorious moment of silence, while everybody takes the time to reload. World War I was going to be the great war, the war to end all wars. After World War II, the United Nations was formed to ensure world peace. In fact, the motto inscribed on the outside of the U.N. building says: [To have each succeeding generation free from the scourge of war.] And in all the years that have passed since, there has not been one day of peace on earth. We do not have political peace, we do not have economic peace, we do not have social peace or we do not have domestic peace. Relationships are fragile and mental and emotional illnesses are epidemic. Family break-ups are in record number, there is disorder in schools. We do not even have personal peace. We have difficulty just getting along with ourselves. And yet, despite all that, the idea of peace dominates the Bible. In fact, YHVH Elohiym is referred to over and over as the [YHVH of Peace]. Yeshua is referred to as the [Prince of Peace]. We find in our Beatitude that we are expected to be peacemakers. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of YHVH. -- Matthew 5:9. There are two areas that will help us to fulfil this call to peace-making, in both our individual lives and in your church.
1 – How to Have YHVH’s Peace in Your Own Life:
Martin Luther King Junior said: True peace is not merely the absence of some negative force, tension or war; it is the presence of some positive force, justice, good will and brotherhood. I would take that a step further and say that true peace is expressed in justice, good will and brotherhood, but its source can only be found by being in relationship with YHVH. So how do we do that?
A – Understand YHVH’s Purpose:
YHVH loves you and wants you to experience peace and life; abundant and eternal. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with YHVH through our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach. -- Romans 5:1. For YHVH so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -- John 3:16. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. -- John 10:10. Now here is an important question we need to ask: Why don’t most people have this peace and abundant life that YHVH planned for us? The answer is found in B:
B – Recognize Our Problem: Separation!
YHVH created us in His Own Image to have an abundant life filled with His peace. He did not make us robots to automatically love and obey Him, but gave us a will and a freedom of choice. Each one of us has chosen to disobey YHVH and go our own wilful way. We still make this choice today and the result is separation from YHVH. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of YHVH -- Romans 3:23. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of YHVH is eternal life through Yeshua Moshiach our Adonai. -- Romans 6:23.
C – Accept YHVH’s Remedy: The Cross!
Yeshua Moshiach is the only answer to this problem. He died on the cross and rose from the grave, paying the penalty for our sin and bridging the gap between YHVH and people. YHVH has provided the only way and each one of us must make a choice; either to accept YHVH’s peace through His Son, or to reject it. For there is one YHVH, and one mediator between YHVH and men, the man Moshiach Yeshua -- 1 Timothy 2:5. For Moshiach also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to YHVH, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit -- 1 Peter 3:18. The Cross of Moshiach is the bridge that spans the gap between ourselves and YHVH. There is no other way of access to true peace and contentment other than Yeshua. Yeshua saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. -- John 14:6)
D —Activate Our Response: Receive Moshiach:
We must trust Yeshua Moshiach and receive Him by personal invitation. Nobody can do this for you; it has to be your own personal decision. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My Voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. -- Revelation 3:20. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of YHVH, even to them that believe on His Name -- John 1:12. …that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Adonai Yeshua, and shalt believe in thine heart that YHVH hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved -- Romans 10:9. To receive Moshiach means that I reject my former way of life, submit myself to Yeshua as the new Master of my life, accept His offer of forgiveness and peace and willingly follow Him.
E – Live Your Life In YHVH’s Peace:
A friend visited an elderly woman badly crippled by arthritis. When asked: Do you suffer much? she responded: Yes, but there is no nail here, and she pointed to her hand. He had the nails; I have the peace. She pointed to her head. There are no thorns here. He had the thorns; I have the peace. She touched her side. There is no spear here. He had the spear; I have the peace. That is what the cross of Yeshua Moshiach means for us. He gave of Himself so that we might have the peace. This is not a peace that constitutes absence of war or external conflict. It is a peace that knows the calm assurance of the presence of YHVH no matter what situation we find ourselves in and no matter what storm tomorrow may bring. This is not a one time, shot in the arm, type of peace. It is the peace that we experience continuously and that is felt more deeply the closer we draw to Moshiach. And the Peace of YHVH, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Moshiach Yeshua. -- Philippians 4:7. The promise is that when we present our requests to YHVH. …the peace of YHVH, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Moshiach Yeshua. So, we understand what it means to have the Peace of YHVH. But Yeshua has called us to go beyond receiving YHVH’s Peace ourselves and has Promised His blessing to those who make peace with others.
Therefore keep the words of this covenant and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do.
Deuteronomy 29:9
The people of Israel will be materially blessed so long as they keep God's commandments. Without God's presence directly in the camp, though, cause and effect moves slowly. Don't let the lack of an instant lightning bolt from God fool you into thinking any current blessings will continue indefinitely.
A set of three parallelisms in #proverbs 3:1-12 are arranged in a #chiasm that compares the relationship of sons to their earthly fathers to our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
#biblepatterns #biblestudy
The purpose of Israel's time in the wilderness wasn't punishment, but to teach them about God. Wilderness experiences are always unpleasant, but they are also when we are closest to the presence of God. The Bible repeatedly says God causes much suffering, but he only does so in order to bring about greater blessing.
#deuteronomy 29:4-5 #kitavo
#bible #biblestudy #torah #torahstudy #webcomic #webcomicseries #cartoon
Thank you for taking the time to read my comic! Did you know that the Straight + Narrow has merch? There are books on Amazon putting together the comics from the series, as well as T-shirts and other apparel and home goods on Spring. You can find all the links at my beacons site:
All politics. Has little to do with helping the costs or impact to the economy, or carbon emissions. It has to do with upcoming elections.
Hosea 9:8, “The prophet is Ephraim’s watchman, along with my God, yet the snare of the fowler lies on all his paths. Hostility is in the house of his God!” The job of a prophet is not to predict the future it is to watch, warn and speak exactly what the Creator gives them to speak.
The Sukkot cards are now available as printables! Several have asked and here it is! I'm also including these as posters to print at home! Happy Feast, friends!