Therefore keep the words of this covenant and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do.
Deuteronomy 29:9
The people of Israel will be materially blessed so long as they keep God's commandments. Without God's presence directly in the camp, though, cause and effect moves slowly. Don't let the lack of an instant lightning bolt from God fool you into thinking any current blessings will continue indefinitely.
A set of three parallelisms in #proverbs 3:1-12 are arranged in a #chiasm that compares the relationship of sons to their earthly fathers to our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
#biblepatterns #biblestudy
The purpose of Israel's time in the wilderness wasn't punishment, but to teach them about God. Wilderness experiences are always unpleasant, but they are also when we are closest to the presence of God. The Bible repeatedly says God causes much suffering, but he only does so in order to bring about greater blessing.
#deuteronomy 29:4-5 #kitavo
#bible #biblestudy #torah #torahstudy #webcomic #webcomicseries #cartoon
Thank you for taking the time to read my comic! Did you know that the Straight + Narrow has merch? There are books on Amazon putting together the comics from the series, as well as T-shirts and other apparel and home goods on Spring. You can find all the links at my beacons site:
All politics. Has little to do with helping the costs or impact to the economy, or carbon emissions. It has to do with upcoming elections.
Hosea 9:8, “The prophet is Ephraim’s watchman, along with my God, yet the snare of the fowler lies on all his paths. Hostility is in the house of his God!” The job of a prophet is not to predict the future it is to watch, warn and speak exactly what the Creator gives them to speak.
The Sukkot cards are now available as printables! Several have asked and here it is! I'm also including these as posters to print at home! Happy Feast, friends!