Recently, I had another interview with the Sabbath Lounge Podcast ( - go check them out). As of my writing this, it has not been released yet, but it was a fun talk. During our discussion, we talked about the story of Lot because of one of my Law Before the Law comics ( In that comic, I bring up how the events of Abraham having leavened bread with God and the messengers. Then at sundown, the messengers go into the city and meet Lot, who makes them unleavened bread. Passover is the first meal in the week of Unleavened Bread and it is held right after sundown. Unleavened Bread is eaten, as well as everyone is to be in their homes.
While discussing things, Matt and Jake brought up that Lot escapes into the Wilderness, just like the Israelites during the Exodus. The timing of things in these two events are totally in sync, but the major events all take place: a passover-type meal; everyone indoors to escape harm; major catastrophe to the city/population; an escape from the city.
Revelation even suggests there is something in common with these events.
Revelation 11:8 - Their dead bodies will be in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.
Side note: While Matt and Jake suggested a Law before the Law comic for this, after digging I felt a new mini-series might fit better. While the events of both have some commands that are everlasting, there are other things about them that are just related to the events. I have some other ideas for Parallels as well, so stay tuned!
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Idol worship is prevalent in some religions still today. Some Cristian denominations use or display idols. Leviticus 26;1, ““You must not make idols for yourselves or set up a carved image or sacred pillar; you must not place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it. For I am the LORD your God.”
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Thought for Today: Monday September 19:
May Adonai strengthen your frame and heal your soul. May He satisfy your needs in this sinful world. May you receive all He so lovingly pours out on you and become like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. And may many be nourished by your life and come to know Yeshua Moshiach more intimately because of your healed whole life. Live full of faith and free in Him today.
Yeshua on marriage and divorce in Matthew 19.