Thought for Today: Tuesday September 20:
When I imagine Moshiach on the cross, the nails in His wrists, the crown of thorns on His brow, His blood draining from His body, the soldiers mocking Him – then I begin to see the depth of YHVH’s Grace. Then I know that nothing can equal the Infinite Love of YHVH for a sinful world. But Elohiym’s Grace is also exhibited when we humbly bow before Moshiach in repentance and faith, for then we find forgiveness. Thank YHVH for His Grace, without it we would have no hope!
#roshhashanah (Head of the Year) is also known as #yomteruah (Day of Shouting or Day of Trumpets), Yom haZikaron (Day of Remembering), and Yom haDin (Day of Judgment). Although the term Rosh Hashanah is not explicitly applied to this day in the Bible, it is considered to be a New Years Day in Jewish tradition for a few reasons:
1-It is thought to be the anniversary of the creation of Man on the 6th day.
2-It is the traditional day of the year on which kings are crowned.
3-It marks the beginning of the Jubilee and Sabbatical years.
4-It is thought to be the day on which God judges mankind for the previous year.
Rosh Hashanah is on the first day of the month of Tishrei. For the purposes of calendars and holy days, God said that the first day of Nisan is the first day of the year, but every culture has multiple annual cycles and new years days.
If the prophesied restoration of Israel is still valid for today or for a different people, then so are the curses of the Law, since they are part of the same prophecy. You can't claim the blessings without claiming the curses.
Deuteronomy 29-30
According to Deuteronomy 30:30, the blessings of #torah have two conditions:
1-Keep Torah
2-Love God with all your heart and soul.
2 -- YHVH Is Worshiped Here:
A friend told the story about her 5-year-old son, as he worked on his Speak and Spell computer. He was concentrating intensely, typing words for the computer to say back to him. He punched in the word YHVH. To his surprise, the computer said: [Word not found.] He tried again and got the same reply. With great disgust, he stared at the computer and told in it no uncertain terms, [Yeshua is not going to like this!] I think he was right. Like the boy’s Speak and Spell, I wonder sometimes if we recognize the Name of YHVH as He indwells us as His Temple. More than anything else, the Temple in the Old Testament was a place to worship YHVH. But as for me, I will come into Thy house in the multitude of Thy mercy: and in Thy fear will I worship toward Thy Holy Temple. -- Psalms 5:7. We have thought of thy loving-kindness, O YHVH, in the midst of Thy Temple. -- Psalms 48:9. I will worship toward Thy Holy Temple, and praise Thy Name for Thy Loving-Kindness and for Thy Truth: for Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy Name. -- Psalms 138:2. The focus in the Old Testament was on going to a place where people could worship YHVH. But now, Paul tells us, we are YHVH’s house of worship; both as individuals and as a church, the place where we are at, is the place that YHVH is worshiped. As you sing or pray in your church services, YHVH is there, right in your midst, enjoying your words of praise. Right now, YHVH is reading every word that I write and sees inside each one of our hearts and He knows if we are accepting His Word with a desire to worship Him even more or not. Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve YHVH acceptably with reverence and godly fear -- Hebrews 12:28. If I am the Temple of YHVH and we at TTN are the Temple of YHVH collectively, then we have no choice but to be a Temple filled with worship; anything less than this is a denial of YHVH’s presence among us.
Question: Why are you reading this? Why are you a believer? Why do you gather together with other believers? While there are a number of acceptable answers to those questions, such as [I want to learn more about the Bible] or [I need fellowship] or something along those lines, there is one answer that we cannot do without. The answer first and foremost in everything we do in our churches, ministries on TTN and as individuals comes under the heading of worship. I want to worship YHVH; I am a believer because I want to worship YHVH; I gather with other believers because I want to worship YHVH. We are YHVH’s Temple; we are the place of worship; we have been born again by HaRuach of YHVH to worship YHVH and everything else that we do, say or think is secondary to that fact. Being a great evangelist starts with a heart of worship; being a biblical scholar starts with a heart of worship; being a gifted musician starts with a heart of worship. Everything that we do as individuals and as a church or ministry, begins, ends and subsists on worship, because we are the Temple of YHVH.
3 -- YHVH Is Honoured Here:
The church in Corinth that Paul was writing to had many very serious problems. One of the problems they were having dealt with people engaging in inappropriate sexual activity that was definitely outside the Will of YHVH. In response Paul wrote: What? Know ye not that your body is the Temple of Ruach which is in you, which ye have of YHVH, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore, glorify YHVH in your body, and in your spirit, which are YHVH’s. -- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. He is saying: [How dare you defile the Temple of YHVH which is your body! Don’t you realize that YHVH is with you in the very midst of your sin?] The context of the second verse had to do with the church as a whole; there were people trying to cause divisions within the church, stirring up controversy, trying to ruin the work that YHVH was doing there. Paul responded by saying: Know ye not that ye are the Temple of YHVH, and that HaRuach of YHVH dwelleth in you? If any man defiles the Temple of YHVH, him shall YHVH destroy; for the Temple of YHVH is holy, which Temple ye are. -- 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
He is saying: [How dare you try to destroy this Temple that YHVH has constructed with His own hands. How dare you dishonour YHVH by dividing His people?] In both cases that we have looked at, YHVH’s Temple was dishonoured when His people engaged in sinful behaviour, either by themselves or as a group. What we need to understand is that we, as the Temple of YHVH, bring YHVH with us everywhere that we go. Every time that we lie, steal, committing adultery or doing anything sinful, YHVH is there. Every time that we go to the movies, to work or to church, YHVH is there. When we go to these places or engage in various activities, we need to understand that we are literally including YHVH in all of them. So, what we want to make sure is that the things that we say and the places we go, are going to bring honour to YHVH rather than dishonour. And grieve not Ruach HaKodesh of YHVH, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. -- Ephesians 4:30. The last thing that we want to do is break YHVH’s heart, it is been broken enough times before and we must refuse to be a part of it anymore. We honour this Temple, when we live under YHVH’s direction.
A dog food company’s newest product was not selling well. The president called in his management staff: [How is our advertising?] he asked. [Great,] replied the advertising executive. [This ad campaign will probably win the industry’s top awards this year.] [All right,] the president continued: [How about our product design?] The production manager spoke up. [It is great boss. Our new label and packaging scored high in every marketing test we ran.] [Hmmm, well, how is our sales staff, are they doing their job?] The sales manager was quick to respond. [Yes Sir, our people are the best in the business.] There was heavy silence as the president thought about what he had just heard. [We have great advertising, great packaging, a top-notch sales force, yet this product is coming in dead last in the dog food market. Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?] Everyone looked at each other; finally, one brave soul spoke up. [It is the stupid dog’s sir. They just won’t touch the stuff.]
Sometimes the Churches and Ministries are like that in trying to reach the unbelievers, but many times we have this problem with those that are already believers. We can have the slickest advertising, the nicest facilities, the best Bible studies, the most wonderful music, but for some reason we cannot get the people this is done for to understand what a wonderful opportunity we have for them. And I believe the problem comes down to what people believe about themselves in relationship to who they are in Yeshua Moshiach. When we understand the promises that are given to us by YHVH as believers, we will begin to live life to its fullest and take advantage of every opportunity that will help us to become more like Yeshua. We know that in Moshiach we are secure and that in Moshiach we will not be condemned. In Moshiach, [I am YHVH’s Temple;] those of us who are believers are the dwelling place of YHVH Almighty. Let us focus on two passages of Scripture; one focuses on the individual believer being YHVH’s Temple and the other focuses on us collectively, as the Church, being YHVH’s Temple.
What? Know you not that your body is the Temple of Ruach HaKodesh Who is in you, Who you have of YHVH, and you are not your own? For you are bought with a price: therefore, glorify YHVH in your body, and in your spirit, which are YHVH’s. -- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Know you not that you are the Temple of YHVH, and that the Ruach of YHVH dwell in you? If any man defiles the Temple of YHVH, him shall YHVH destroy; for the Temple of YHVH is Holy, Whose Temple you are. -- 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. YHVH lives in each individual believer in the Person of Ruach HaKodesh. YHVH lives in His Church as individual believers meet together corporately. In other words, YHVH is both in you and in your church where you gather with others who also have YHVH dwelling in them. And what we need to understand is, that YHVH is not dwelling in you and dwelling in your place of worship in some abstract, symbolic kind of way, YHVH is there as a present reality as much as you are. He is really in you today! Here are three facts that will help us to better understand and apply this today:
1 -- YHVH Lives Here:
In the Old Testament the Temple was the place YHVH promised to meet His people, Israel; they would come to that physical structure and YHVH would appear to them. It was not as if YHVH lived within the four walls of the building, but that He would be present there for the people. And Adonai said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication that thou hast made before Me: I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put My Name there for ever; and Mine eyes and Mine heart shall be there perpetually. -- 1 Kings 9:3. YHVH is saying to Solomon: [I will meet with you here at the temple. This is the place for you to come, for the people to come and for the world to come. This is the meeting place.] Since Moshiach has come, YHVH has taken it a giant step further. Today, YHVH says that our heart is the place where He dwells, not on a temporary basis, but He lives here forever. Like the Old Testament Temple, He is not confined to only one place at one time, but His presence within us and within His church is real and unending. YHVH very literally lives with us every day, every moment, in every situation.
Know ye not that ye are the Temple of YHVH, and that HaRuach of YHVH dwelleth in you? -- 1 Corinthians 3:16. Paul is not talking about YHVH appearing in a cloud or in the Ark of the Covenant, he is saying that YHVH really lives in each one of us and in His Church. We are the Temple of Almighty YHVH and we are His dwelling place, His habitation. Now when I understand and accept this truth, I am going to begin examining my life, my attitude, my commitment level and just about everything else in my life. I am going to look at these things in the light of the fact that everywhere I go and everything I do, YHVH is with me. When I fully recognize and embrace this fact, I will be filled with a power unknown to me before, it is a realization that YHVH loves me, that YHVH fills me with His power, that YHVH gives me the ability to do what He asks me to do and that YHVH enables me to live my life to the fullest. If I put a glove in my hand, the glove cannot do anything by itself, but when my hand is in it, it can do many things. True, it is not the glove, but my hand in the glove that acts. We are gloves; it is Ruach HaKodesh inside us Who is the hand, Who does the work. Now what we have to do is make room for the hand so every finger is filled. YHVH lives in us, but He will only become fully operative in our lives when we are ready for Him to fill us and use us to do His work. Ephesians gives us two texts along these lines; one applies to us as individuals and the second applies to the church as a whole. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with Ha Ruach. -- Ephesians 5:18. which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all. -- Ephesians 1:23. We do that by simply getting ourselves and our agendas out of the way and letting Him take over. He will do it and we will all benefit from it and the sooner we do it, the better off we will all be.
The Torah (aka God's Law or the Law of Moses) is both life and death. The blessings of #torah are contingent on obedience. The curses are contingent on disobedience. #nitzavim #godslaw
And YHVH your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love YHVH your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.
Deuteronomy 30:6
Jeremiah 31 wasn't the first time God promised the New Covenant. It was first promised in the Garden and repeated here in Deuteronomy 30.
If you want life in the New Covenant, then love the Creator with all your being. #nitzavim #torah