Seeking insight: We recently met a family who observes Sabbath and The Feasts as being sunrise to sunrise instead of sundown to sundown. I'd never heard of this and, without offering my own bias, am wondering if there are others who think this way and why. Please provide scriptural reference.
Thought for Today: Wednesday September 21:
May you understand – on a whole new level – how much YHVH is for you. May you see the wonders unfold before you that remind you how much it matters that you pray. May you plant new seeds of faith, expectant that you will see a harvest in the days to come. May you take a few steps today even if you don’t feel like it. And may you invite YHVH to heal a deep wound that has plagued you for far too long. It is a new season. Be strong in Adonai!
#yomteruah, #yomkippur, and #sukkot are a continuous whole on God's calendar:
Day of Judgment >> 10 days of awe and repentance >> Day of Atonement >> culminating in a massive celebration of Salvation, Liberty, Torah, and Messiah.
The span between Yom Teruah (aka #roshhashanah) and Yom Kippur is a time for seeking God, repenting, and preparing for major changes.
Did Jesus eliminate the need for repentance? Of course not! He is the fulfillment of the prophecies of God's appointed times, but we still need the regular reminders of what God has done and will continue doing for us.
Q58: How many persons were on the rooftop when Samson caused the Philistine building to fall in?
PS: Discussions are very welcome, but please do not give the answer away in your discussions.
See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil.
#deuteronomy 30:15 #nitzavim #torah
The choice between life and death is yours. God put it within your power.
Suggest making contact.
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Brianna Renee
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