#yomteruah, #yomkippur, and #sukkot are a continuous whole on God's calendar:
Day of Judgment >> 10 days of awe and repentance >> Day of Atonement >> culminating in a massive celebration of Salvation, Liberty, Torah, and Messiah.
The span between Yom Teruah (aka #roshhashanah) and Yom Kippur is a time for seeking God, repenting, and preparing for major changes.
Did Jesus eliminate the need for repentance? Of course not! He is the fulfillment of the prophecies of God's appointed times, but we still need the regular reminders of what God has done and will continue doing for us.
Q58: How many persons were on the rooftop when Samson caused the Philistine building to fall in?
Source: www.biblequiz.biz
PS: Discussions are very welcome, but please do not give the answer away in your discussions.
See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil.
#deuteronomy 30:15 #nitzavim #torah
The choice between life and death is yours. God put it within your power.
It doesn't matter where you live in the world, sow your best gift! What little you have will be taken away from you if you do not put it to use in the Kingdom of YHVH -- Matthew 25:14-30. YHVH gives seed to the sewer -- 2 Corinthians 9:10. This is absolute true saints! I struggled with this for a very long time but after I started to give, my life has changed. At first, I thought it is money that needs to be given, but it is more than that: Love, Forgiveness, Kindness, Your Time, help to the Poor, the orphan and the widow etc. I waited for the return, but nothing happened, until I learned the real way of giving. Give and forget about it. You must give because you want to. Yes, I did work, and I work a lot of overtime (now on pension) but when I start to count up my contributions as aid above, it is still too small to cover everything I do. I have learned not to question YHVH, just to praise Him! If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need. -- Ephesians 4:28. The more we receive, the more we give BUT and there is a BIG BUT! These following rules apply:
1 -- Give with the right heart. Because you want to give, because you want to help others in need. Whatever that need may be, even if it is just time to listen. And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Adonai Yeshua: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ -- Acts 20:35.
2 -- Give to the right people – If you contribute money do not give to people that uses YHVH’s Word to make a living but for the work of YHVH. You have the right to ask what your money is used for, after all you give it. Don’t let people talk you into giving if you cannot give. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure -- 2 Corinthians 9:7.
3 -- Give and forget – Give and do not expect anything back, it will come by itself. If you do expect things back, be patient because YHVH knows best, and He will provide when time is right and when you need it the most.
4 -- Give what you can – If you can only afford your time, taking someone somewhere, a visit to a lonely person or one in hospital, a testimony, a slice of bread, whatever; it does not matter, give only what you can for a start and see what happens! Do not let anybody talk you into giving more than what you can. YHVH knows your heart and He know your circumstances and it is a transaction between you and Him. If you do lie, then you lie to Him. Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have. -- 2 Corinthians 8:12.
5 – PLEASE don’t just give money – To give means to give a tenth of your whole existence. Make time to read the Bible, make time to pray and make time to discuss the Word of YHVH. It is easy for us to say we don’t have time but if you make time, you will see other things that kept you busy will start sort them out by themselves as well. Get up earlier for prayer, if you really do not have time, pray while standing on the train on the way to work or when you are driving.
6 -- Believe that you will receive – Start believing in YHVH, that He will provide, that He will carry you through the difficult times and He is true to His Word, and Promises He made us. Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full -- pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. -- Luke 6:38.
7 -- Most important of all – Start thanking Adonai for what you have, for the blessings, He gives you and above all, PRAISE Him for what you asked and that you WILL receive it. And give thanks for everything to YHVH the Father in the Name of our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach. -- Ephesians 5:20.
It is difficult to understand point seven yes, but if you start thanking Him for what you ask, you will receive it. Just remember, He will provide what you need but if you ask for a car or anything that you do not need, you will not receive that. You will receive those that you need. Because I experienced all of the above first hand, I made my ministry’s catch phrase just that. And YHVH will generously provide all you need. He already does with all the daily blessings, to breath, to see, to hear, to speak, to walk etc. The rest of this verse is just as beautiful: Then you will always have everything you need, and plenty left over to share with others. -- 2 Corinthians 9:8. This is a reality! If you give, the windows of heaven will open for you and you will receive abundantly that you will have more than enough to give even more. Read 2 Corinthians 9, the whole chapter and decide for yourself. If you live according to the Law YHVH gave us, you will not be ashamed to acknowledge Him in public or in company of your friends. Do not be ashamed to say that you know and love YHVH. Do not be ashamed to put His Word into action in the presence of others. Don’t be scared not to be recognised by friends and neighbours, be scared when you are not recognised by YHVH.
Father, thank you for the wonderful blessings we receive every day, to see, to hear, to speak, smell, walk, talk and the daily bread. Thank You for all the love, kindness and assistance in our daily tasks. Thank you for our work, our families and especially for wonderful friends on TTN. Adonai, thank You for all the promises You made us and as from now, we do except every promise and every provision You made for us. Thank you for all the blessings we are waiting to receive. And Adonai, thank You that we still can help others. But Adonai, we ask the same as king David: [Create in us a clean heart and a righteous spirit. Show us how we can be of assistance to those in need, let Your Ruach take over that You may receive the praise and honour. I pray this in the Name of Yeshua Moshiach. Amen
If a cup of your drinking water was 98% pure with 2% sewage, would you drink it? I doubt you would! Why then have we made peace with the sin in our lives? The humanistic world tells us we will never measure up, so a [little sin] in our lives is okay. It lets us know we are only human. Guess what? I'm not of this world; I'm of the Kingdom of YHVH. Sin has no place in a believer’s life. We must strive to obey the Commandments of YHVH, which are the Laws of the Kingdom of YHVH. We all know the Ten Commandments and the Commandment Yeshua issued [Love your neighbour as yourself], but we are told we are under grace not Law. Sorry people, we are under the Law of YHVH forever! But what is Sin? 1 John 3:4: -- Whosoever commits a sin breaks the Law, for sin is the transgression of the Law.
YHVH’s Law is the Ten Commandments which Yeshua Moshiach obeyed and showed us how to fulfil. Yeshua also added an additional commandment as He was the One who gave us the original ten! -- John 1:1-3.
Exodus 20:3-17
1 -- You shall not have any other gods before Me. What do you place before worshipping YHVH? Money, liquor, cigarettes, drugs or pleasures of life?
2 -- You shall not make for yourself any graven image of anything in the heavens, on the earth or in the sea under the earth. Do you have little angel statues or pictures of Yeshua? These are graven images.
3 -- You shall not take the Name of your Adonai YHVH in vain”. Do you use YHVH’s Name as a curse word or to express something?
4 -- Remember the Shabbat day, to keep it holy. Do you observe the true Shabbat on Saturday?
5 -- Honour your father & mother. Do you honour & respect your parents?
6 -- You shall not kill. Yeshua said if you hate anyone you have already committed murder in your heart.
7 -- You shall not commit adultery. Do you look at Porn or lust after someone?
8 -- You shall not steal. Even paper clips from work count as being stolen or even time by leaving work 5 or 10 min earlier as what you should.
9 -- You shall not bear false witness about your neighbour. Do you gossip about anyone or talk bad about anyone?
10 -- You shall not covet. Do you wish you had so and so house or car? Stop Coveting.
11 -- Yeshua added an 11th Commandment: A new Commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have Loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another -- John 13:34–35. Do you love YHVH or your neighbour as you would want them to love you?
Yeshua said: If you want to enter into life, keep the Commandments -- Matthew 19:16-18.
Yeshua also said Thou shalt love Adonai thy YHVH with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great Commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the prophets. -- Matthew 22:37-40
Does that mean that these two are most important? NO! It means they are the first and the last, just as Yeshua is the Alpha and the Omega. On these two Commandments hang all the Law and prophets. What was their testimony? YESHUA! Yeshua saves, not the Law. Following the Law is a step toward Holiness, and His righteousness. Seek first the Kingdom of YHVH and His righteousness, and all these things will be added -- Matthew 6:33). What will be added? Matthew 6:25-32: Provision. If you start living these rules stated above, then it will become easier to live holy. One thing Yeshua teaches us is to be holy and when you start to live holy it is easy to follow these Laws YHVH gave us. 1 Peter 1:15-16 – Be Holy because I am Holy. Walk according to the Laws of the Kingdom, deny yourself, pick up your cross daily and receive all that Adonai has for you. It is also easy that when you start to live according to these rules that it is easy to give to one another and be on the lookout for one another. The Bible states that: each seed reproduces after its own kind -- Genesis, if you sow nothing, you get nothing in return. In the measure you give you will receive -- Luke 6:38, if you don't give anything you will not get anything. This is a major reason 99.9% of us are in NEED!
God's Law is simple enough for poorly educated laborers and herders, yet rich enough for kings and philosophers. You can spend a lifetime studying Torah and still not understand it all, but you don't need the right genes or secret decoder ring. It's not that hard. #torah isn't in heaven, meaning it isn't too difficult to understand. Torah isn't beyond the sea, meaning you don't need to find the secret key to unlock God's meaning. It is in your mouth and heart so you can do it. God would never give his people instructions that they can't even comprehend.
Read it. Speak it. Believe it. Act on it.
#deuteronomy 30:12-14
Do you know that stereotypical nice, successful boy that Jewish mothers want their daughters to marry? Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz doesn’t fit that stereotype. In his years as a biker and culinary artist from New York, if any stereotype applied to him, it would be the rebellious young man searching for meaning in life. It’s a blessing that he found that meaning when he came home to Israel. Not only did his journey toward God acquire focus and intensity, he learned many lessons along the way that he is now sharing as a columnist with Israel365 News, and as an author of world-class fiction. Our four-part interview with Eliyahu begins with discussion of his latest novel, The Master of Return and the Eleventh Light, but then we go into some unexpected places as we talk about what God is doing at the intersection of the Jewish and Christian worlds.
In a sense, Eliyahu Berkowitz is one of those lost sheep of Israel who has found his way home. Barry Phillips and David Jones have a lot to say about wayward sheep in their midrash called, “Restoring Sheep.” Healing and restoration are themes in this message, and in the music of the Aleph Tav Band and Teshuva.
Do you know that stereotypical nice, successful boy that Jewish mothers want their daughters to marry? Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz doesn’t fit that stereotype. In his years as a biker and culinary artist from New York, if any stereotype applied to him, it would be the rebellious young man searching for meaning in life. It’s a blessing that he found that meaning when he came home to Israel. Not only did his journey toward God acquire focus and intensity, he learned many lessons along the way that he is now sharing as a columnist with Israel365 News, and as an author of world-class fiction. Our four-part interview with Eliyahu begins with discussion of his latest novel, The Master of Return and the Eleventh Light, but then we go into some unexpected places as we talk about what God is doing at the intersection of the Jewish and Christian worlds.
In a sense, Eliyahu Berkowitz is one of those lost sheep of Israel who has found his way home. Barry Phillips and David Jones have a lot to say about wayward sheep in their midrash called, “Restoring Sheep.” Healing and restoration are themes in this message, and in the music of the Aleph Tav Band and Teshuva.