Buscando a los creyentes de la Torá en la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico./ This page will be dedicated to unite fellow believer’s in The Entire Scripture’s in the island of Puerto Rico for fellowship, regardless of denomination, or if you call the Creator by Yehovah or Yahweh.
En la unidad del Gran Yo Soy se busca.
John 16:33 KJV These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. #onlyyeshuasaves
CREDIT: Follow Me, Jesus Says
Thought for Today: Thursday September 22:
Trust in YHVH and do not be afraid. He wants you to view trials as exercises designed to develop your trust muscles. You live these days in the midst of fierce spiritual battles – more than ever before – and fear is one of satan’s favourite weapons. When you start to feel afraid, affirm your trust in YHVH. Speak out loud, if circumstances permit. Resist the devil in His Name and he will flee from you. Refresh yourself in His Holy Presence. Speak or sing praises to Him and His Face will shine radiantly upon you. Remember, there is no condemnation for those who belong to Elohiym. Through Yeshua, you have been judged {Not Guilty} for all eternity. Trust in Him and do not be afraid for He is your Strength, Song and Salvation.
A new Edition of the Lawful Literal Version of the Bible is out now
The whole text of LLV=ABSV160 Dead flies cause the oil of the perfumer to belch_forth a stench Edition:
Please distribute freely, but only by sharing the link to this doc:
Download the LLV/ABSV from here:
Please send suggestions for correction/improvement in private messages to Garth Grenache.
A list of all the improvements and the research and thinking behind them can be found here:
Do you need prayer? Visit our worldwide prayer board on our website or find the link to the prayer board on our phone app! You can post your prayer request on the board and the Triumph In Truth extended family will be able to comment and pray for you! You can also view other peoples prayer request and let them know you are praying for them! www.triumphintruth.global/prayer
phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (App Store)
Shaking the dust off my feet with that last city....I won't forget how a Muslim had more care for a follower of Messiah Yahusha than over a handful of believers met in person I know Abba Yahh is Almighty Creator and follow his son....this reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan has the love grown cold or what!? Brace yourself...as I said when the wrath starts getting poured it's how it's gotta be.
Shalom family. My sister in law who was a Canadian resident just moved to Texas. She is currently in the hospital having a miscarriage. They do not have a whole lot of money or anything.
If you're willing to help her out
Please do!
Here is the PayPal info