Looking forward to tonights group study on the Lost Tribes, 3 part series with Messianic Delaware. Part 1 https://messianic.carlbartell.....com/Video/Zoom092320 Part 2 https://messianic.carlbartell.....com/Video/Zoom100720
Part 3 https://messianic.carlbartell.....com/Video/Zoom102120
And watching Shabbat Night Live with A Rood Awakening International on YouTube. Have a wonderful prep day❣️
That moment when my son realizes I'm recording him.
We usually listen to the Torah Portion recordings on The Rooted Kafe but, this week's is recorded in a foreign accent and translation that I struggled a bit to understand and decided to print it and have my son read it while I'm doing food prep. I was quite impressed with how well he read it and how seriously he took it. I was going to actually record him but, when his response to noticing it made me laugh, I instinctively stopped recording.
Studying the Bible is great, but unless you apply what it says to your life, it's not going to do you a lot of good. But then, how can you apply it if you don't understand it? There are a lot of people out there with "Biblical" teachings that really aren't Biblical. Counterfeit teaching leads to counterfeit understanding, which leads to counterfeit application.
I want to help you discern the real from the counterfeit.
I'm sure you've heard that experts don't learn how to spot counterfeit money by studying counterfeits. They learn by intently studying the real thing. That's what I want to do in the Common Sense Bible Study community!
#yeshua said, "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, but for others they are in parables, so that ‘seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.’"
Luke 8:10
See Deuteronomy 29:29 and "the secret things belong to YHWH our Elohim". Spiritual truths are secret things that belong to YHWH and he reveals them to whom he chooses. We are incapable of full understanding unless God opens our eyes.