A glossary of terms for our movement! Sometimes new folks just get overwhelmed! https://firstcenturychristianity.net/q-a/
God told Moses to make the silver trumpets for the Tabernacle personally. Does that mean Moses himself or was an agent of Moses ok? IDK. Numbers 10:2
The silver trumpets were sounded differently to signal the people for different purposes.
-Tekiah (long clear blast) from both trumpets is used to summon the whole congregation. Num 10:3
-A single Tekiah (long clear blast) from one trumpet is summons only the leaders of the people. Num 10:4
-Teruah (repeated short blasts) calls to march or to war & was sounded to signal the camps on the east side to move out. Num 10:5
-A 2nd Teruah (repeated short blasts) signals the camps on the south side to begin marching. A 3rd & 4th blast are implied. Num 10:6
That's crazy beautiful! Praise be to God!
Peace on Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee).
This Picture was taken while on the Sea of Galilee during my trip to Israel in 2019. The morning started chilly, overcast, and rainy. As our group began to worship and Praise Adonai, the rain stopped and the sun began to shine through the clouds began to part with the sun shinning through. While I decided to capture the moment with my camera, the sea gulls added to the beauty. I will never forget the peace that was present and the joy our group was experiencing while on these waters. Praise Yah!
#photography #yahsglory #Galilee #Isreal
After 49 days of going through the Omer Count Challenge doing the Fruit of the Spirit, we have to realize that this walk is about more than just doing the mechanics correctly!! It's easy to start eating correct or following the correct set-apart days...
The real challenge comes in how you approach this realization and how you deal with this realm we currently live in, where the majority of this world's systems and most of the people, will challenge you and your belief of what the Scriptures instructs us to actually do!!
Please like, comment your thoughts below and share this post!!
Teachings to listen to:
Whose Eyes Are You Right In?
Walk Humbly With Your Elohim
Restoring Your Joy & Shalom
Developing the Character of Yeshua
#midweekmotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #clevelandtn #mtoiworldwide #fruitofthespirit #fruitoftheruach
After 49 days of going through the Omer Count Challenge doing the Fruit of the Spirit, we have to realize that this walk is about more than just doing the mechanics correctly!! It's easy to start eating correct or following the correct set-apart days...
The real challenge comes in how you approach this realization and how you deal with this realm we currently live in, where the majority of this world's systems and most of the people, will challenge you and your belief of what the Scriptures instructs us to actually do!!
Please like, comment your thoughts below and share this post!!
Teachings to listen to:
Whose Eyes Are You Right In?
Walk Humbly With Your Elohim
Restoring Your Joy & Shalom
Developing the Character of Yeshua
#midweekmotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #clevelandtn #mtoiworldwide #fruitofthespirit #fruitoftheruach
A glossary of terms for our movement! Sometimes new folks just get overwhelmed! https://firstcenturychristianity.net/q-a/
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