Question: How would you define life? Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it. (Luke 17:33, ESV)
Question: What was the first thing Yahs people did in acts during the coming of the Holy Spirit, after Pentecost?
Oh goodness, you gotta watch this one, too. "After I visited Israel, I realized that everything I knew about the Bible was wrong." Stories about Acts 2 and so many more cool events. Don't miss this!
Question: What is the difference between our neighbors and our brothers and sisters?
Question: How did Yah set apart or separate His people?
Question: What authority have we been given, what are we supposed to do with it?
Question: How would you define war, what does it look like, who is affected, who are the POVs, who helps, what is its purpose?
Question: How do you define a kingdom, how does one operate, what does it look like to you?
Especially Not Between Sisters In Messiah! <3 <3 *_*
So good... so informative...
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Iain Mcclain_wilhelm Melket Näher
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i for one am enjoying being able to access the internet and use a pressurized electric water system and take hot showers whenever i like and so forth, for one day those things will be stripped away from us and we shall find that being tied to such things comes with the death penalty (under Noahide Law and the Beast Messiah
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