We love the simple "primitive" instruments, they have so much character and delightful quirks. It truly is a privilege to be able to worship Yah with such fun tools as these. We have the instruments and the equipment to produce audible praise, we are truly blessed. ? ? ? #music #worship #nativeamerican
We are observing a 7th year sabbatical for our garden, but some things have come up on their own. ?????. #homestead #farm #garden
We are observing a 7th year sabbatical for our garden, but some things have come up on their own. ?????. #homestead #farm #garden
We are observing a 7th year sabbatical for our garden, but some things have come up on their own. ?????. #homestead #farm #garden
We are observing a 7th year sabbatical for our garden, but some things have come up on their own. ?????. #homestead #farm #garden
As you know I have a few freebies on my site. ?? they are under the bible section on my website. This is the one going up in a mo….
It’s Called…
The Wheat ?
There is a donate button if you would like to donate. ?????
Lots of love!
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.”
Yoḥanan (John) 12:24
Kylie Brickles
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