Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to YHWH, and not unto men;
Many of God's chosen ministers work long thankless hours or they work in unusual manners or circumstances. We are often tempted to take the former for granted and to shun the latter.
There was an apocryphal work attributed to the Eldad and Medad, who prophesied in Numbers 11:26. Only one line remains from the original, quoted in another apocryphal work called the Shepherd of Hermas: "The Lord is near unto them that turn to Him, as it is written in Eldad and Medad...". This one surviving bit is almost exactly the same as Psalm 145:18, "YHWH is near to all who call on him." It would be really neat to know exactly what they prophesied, but most prophecies don't actually say anything new. They just rephrase or re-illustrate what God has already told us.
And the people complained in the hearing of YHVH about their misfortunes, and when YHVH heard it, his anger was kindled, and the fire of YHVH burned among them and consumed some outlying parts of the camp.
Numbers 11:1
Cry out to God in your despair, but don't complain. There is a difference. Nobody loves a complainer. Our speech is important to God because he has imbued it with some of his creative power. When we complain against God, we deny and diminish his power to act in our lives.
The story of the elders prophesying in in this chapter is inserted between stories of the people complaining and God punishing them to mitigate the ill effects of lashon harah. The people spoke lies, so God countered by sending fire to stop the contagion and prophets to speak the truth among them.
Link to INFOCUS: Master, We Are Perishing! -
If Messiah Yeshua says it, it will happen. Rabbi Steve Berkson expounds on the passage found in Luke 8:22-25 where we see Yeshua and His disciples on a boat ride across the lake. This wasn't just any boat ride though. There was a fantastic teaching moment in that even though a terrible storm appeared that threatened to kill them, Messiah still had everything under control.
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Do you believe in "Two House" Theology?
Since there are numerous definitions of that term, let me describe a few options before you answer. I wish I could include an option for every possible variation, but I don't have all year to write this post. LOL
1. *Two houses have become one Jewish house*. The people of the divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel were reunited after the Babylonian dispersion. Jewish people today represent both houses. Gentile believers are neither Israel nor Judah. This is the most common view among orthodox and reform Jews.
2. *Jews are Judah and Christians are Ephraim*. Today's Jews represent the Kingdom of Judah and today's Christians represent the Kingdom of Ephraim, regardless of their actual ancestry.
3. *Jews are Judah and Torah-keeping gentiles are Ephraim*. Today's faithful Jews represent the Kingdom of Judah and today's Torah-keeping (former) gentiles represent the Kingdom of Ephraim, regardless of their actual ancestry.
4. *Jews are physical Judah and Torah-keeping gentiles are physical Ephraim*. Today's Jews are more-or-less physically descended from the Kingdom of Judah and God is calling the lost, physical descendants of the Kingdom of Ephraim out of the nations into Torah-observance.
5. *Both houses are entirely spiritual and unidentifiable*. No specific group of people today represent either Judah or Ephraim.
6. *Judah and Ephraim are identifiable as specific ethnic groups*. We know who Israel is, but it's not who most people think. Blacks from Africa are the actual Jewish people, or the nations of Europe are the ten lost tribes, or some other variation such as British Israelism.