In this video, G. Steven Simons brings to light seven dynamic scriptural principles that every believer must embrace when praying for and receiving the set-apart spirit of YAH. This teaching will assist the believer in becoming the bold, powerful witness that Yeshua has charged His followers to become and reveal steps to a dynamic, spirit of YAH led ministry.
phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (AppStore)
Thought for Today: Shabbat June 18:
May YHVH take all your failures, hardships and heartbreaks and carry them with you. May you suddenly feel light in step and spirit. May you trust in Him that better days are ahead and may you look up expectantly as you wait for YHVH to keep His Word to you. May Adonai bring fulfilment to your work, hilarity to your play, depth to your prayers and kindness to your words. May He inspire perspective, conviction and compassion to make a difference in the world and today may He grant you blessings and peaceful moments.
Good article showing that keeping the baby conceived in rape helped the mothers:
Jer 32
37‘See, I am gathering them out of all the lands where I have driven them in My displeasure, and in My wrath, and in great rage. And I shall bring them back to this place, and shall let them dwell in safety.
38‘And they shall be My people, and I shall be their Elohim.
39‘And I shall give them one heart and one way, to fear Me all the days, for the good of them and of their children after them.
40‘And I shall make an everlasting covenant with them, that I do not turn back from doing good to them. And I shall put My fear in their hearts so as not to turn aside from Me.
41‘And I shall rejoice over them to do good to them, and shall plant them in this land in truth, with all My heart and with all My being.’
42“For thus said יהוה, ‘As I have brought all this great evil on this people, so I am bringing on them all the good that I am speaking to them.
43‘And fields shall be bought in this land of which you are saying, “It is a wasteland, without man or beast. It has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans.”
44‘Fields shall be bought for silver, and deeds signed and sealed, and witnesses be called, in the land of Binyamin, and in the places around Yerushalayim, and in the cities of Yehuḏah, and in the cities of the mountains, and in the cities of the low country, and in the cities of the South. For I shall turn back their captivity,’ declares יהוה.”