I make a homeschool schedule each summer, but I know it’s time to make a new plan when the frustration levels rise or when we just don’t seem to be getting anything done. Just recently, I spent a few days planning, so I thought I’d walk you through the process I use.
When God says go, go. When God says stay, stay. But you have to watch and listen to know which is which. Numbers 9:15-23
Vs 17-23 says the cloud lifted and settled 7 times, the people set out 7 times, the people camped 7 times, and the people obeyed 7 times. Coincidence? Nope. This is an allusion to perfect obedience to the direction of YHVH. Whether God's word comes through signs, prophets, angels, or Messiah, He expects obedience. His commands to his whole people come in a way that everyone can see and comprehend, and they are always in agreement with Moses.
Even if we hate the place where God has put us, we are to stay until the job is done. Even if we love the place where God has put us, we are to leave when he says it's time to go.
Link to teaching - https://youtu.be/Cr4PNa_N2JI
People typically don’t engage in normal conversation on the topic of ‘evil’, although maybe a glancing discussion when they see something in a news headline or a movie/TV show that portrays something as they perceive as evil. But, do you know how much ‘evil’ is written about in your Bible? Do you know what the true, scriptural definition of ‘evil’ is? How does this knowledge affect your walk of faith.
Rabbi Steve Berkson is one of the small few that would take on the challenge of teaching from scripture about the topic of ‘evil’. You will be amazed and often surprised as Rabbi Berkson dissects the verses from the Bible, one-by-one if necessary, to teach what has been revealed to him and how these revelations will definitely impact your life – both physically and spiritually.
Rabbi Berkson decides to start from the beginning, in the book of Genesis, as he has done in other teachings, and continues through the whole bible to provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic.
00: 00 Intro/Review
01:46 1 Peter 2 – Eliminate these from your life
04:53 The unadulterated Word?
12:25 Tasted that the Master is good
13:19 Unsafe spaces?
18:42 So you can grow
24:30 Figure it out!
27:31 I need more time to study
35:23 If you can receive it
38:22 Expectations
44:34 Living stones
49:57 No problems or issues?
53:48 Belief is an action
01: 00:23 You will not be put to shame
01: 02:21 Belief is obedience
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Get Out the Leaven https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
• Divorce, Remarriage & Putting Away https://youtu.be/aVY7S2UOd1s
• INfocus: Emunah https://youtu.be/UxxiMAbTEwA
• Yeshua the Rock https://youtu.be/4eGSqgHFdvg
• INfocus: Belief is an Action https://youtu.be/k79-LAVAr6I
• Are You Saved? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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#midweekmotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #clevelandtn #mtoiworldwide #evil
Link to teaching - https://youtu.be/Cr4PNa_N2JI
People typically don’t engage in normal conversation on the topic of ‘evil’, although maybe a glancing discussion when they see something in a news headline or a movie/TV show that portrays something as they perceive as evil. But, do you know how much ‘evil’ is written about in your Bible? Do you know what the true, scriptural definition of ‘evil’ is? How does this knowledge affect your walk of faith.
Rabbi Steve Berkson is one of the small few that would take on the challenge of teaching from scripture about the topic of ‘evil’. You will be amazed and often surprised as Rabbi Berkson dissects the verses from the Bible, one-by-one if necessary, to teach what has been revealed to him and how these revelations will definitely impact your life – both physically and spiritually.
Rabbi Berkson decides to start from the beginning, in the book of Genesis, as he has done in other teachings, and continues through the whole bible to provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic.
00: 00 Intro/Review
01:46 1 Peter 2 – Eliminate these from your life
04:53 The unadulterated Word?
12:25 Tasted that the Master is good
13:19 Unsafe spaces?
18:42 So you can grow
24:30 Figure it out!
27:31 I need more time to study
35:23 If you can receive it
38:22 Expectations
44:34 Living stones
49:57 No problems or issues?
53:48 Belief is an action
01: 00:23 You will not be put to shame
01: 02:21 Belief is obedience
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Get Out the Leaven https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
• Divorce, Remarriage & Putting Away https://youtu.be/aVY7S2UOd1s
• INfocus: Emunah https://youtu.be/UxxiMAbTEwA
• Yeshua the Rock https://youtu.be/4eGSqgHFdvg
• INfocus: Belief is an Action https://youtu.be/k79-LAVAr6I
• Are You Saved? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website, https://mtoi.org.
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We are located in Cleveland TN, and have extension fellowships across South Africa. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website https://mtoi.org/mtoi-map/, to see where they are located, email us at contact.sa@mtoi.org or call us on 073 421 6481.
#midweekmotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #clevelandtn #mtoiworldwide #evil
Maria Vankova
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