Excellent article by Steven Collins... lots of good links!
Nothing Man-made, 100% Scriptural Truth. #nottradition #truth #scripturalinspirations
Q44: After the Last Supper where did Yeshua and his disciples go?
Source: www.biblequiz.biz
PS: Discussions are very welcome, but please do not give the answer away in your discussions.
Summertime is a great time to send your kids outside to learn more about Yah's creation.
Charlotte Mason has made nature study a popular thing, and I agree. My only disagreement is that we Bible believers should call them "Creation Walks" rather than "Nature Walks," since we want to use every opportunity to remind our children that YHVH created the world.
Here are three suggestions of ways to help your children spend more time in God's creation this summer. The easiest suggestion is first.
Where are you right now? Family life? Community life? Marriage? Your projects?
Are you feeding the soil integrity of unity? Are you making sure your heart is on point as when you first committed? It all begins with the Root Himself, Yeshua/Jesus. He Who called you to it will be faithful to complete the work within as long as you stay rooted. It’s the only way to bear fruit that remains. Return and keep returning to the Root and offspring of David, David being the one who was the apple of Abba’s eye. Can Yeshua bear witness of that regarding you? Are you in the center of His pupil? Or have your heart and your ways begun to wander?
It begins with the root …
There’s no good fruit that pleases Abba without a good, sound root system. Be careful.
Where are you right now? Family life? Community life? Marriage? Your projects?
Are you feeding the soil integrity of unity? Are you making sure your heart is on point as when you first committed? It all begins with the Root Himself, Yeshua/Jesus. He Who called you to it will be faithful to complete the work within as long as you stay rooted. It’s the only way to bear fruit that remains. Return and keep returning to the Root and offspring of David, David being the one who was the apple of Abba’s eye. Can Yeshua bear witness of that regarding you? Are you in the center of His pupil? Or have your heart and your ways begun to wander?
It begins with the root …
There’s no good fruit that pleases Abba without a good, sound root system. Be careful.