#shabbatshalom - I'm not sure if I'm spreading the joy or being mean here, but this was my preparation day meal. (<
#shabbatshalom - I'm not sure if I'm spreading the joy or being mean here, but this was my preparation day meal. (<
#shabbatshalom - I'm not sure if I'm spreading the joy or being mean here, but this was my preparation day meal. (<
#shabbatshalom - I'm not sure if I'm spreading the joy or being mean here, but this was my preparation day meal. (<
How much do we trust God? We say we trust in Him, but how much trust do we really have when adversity comes? Maybe a better question would be, do we trust Him more than we trust in ourselves to provide the things we want when we want them? That leads to a more uncomfortable question: if God doesn't provide in the way we expect, is He still the God we want to follow?
I probably should have explained further than just posting this verse without context. It just struck me as being so relevant to what we are seeing in America today. Everything is backwards, good is called wrong, wrong is called good. The righteous are thrown in jail, the wicked walk free.
"He who declares the wrong right, and he who condemns the righteous, both of them are an abomination to Yahuwah" Proverbs 17:15 (ver. The Scriptures)
Miriam and Aaron both complained about Moses' Cushite wife in Numbers 12:1. Why was only Miriam punished? Perhaps Miriam is mentioned first because she instigated the complaint against Moses? Miriam means bitterness. Aaron means light-bringer. Was there a difference in their motivations and attitudes?
What exactly was Miriam's complaint? Was she complaining on behalf of his wife or because of her? Maybe Miriam complained that Moses married a Cushite instead of an Israelite. This might be reflected in her punishment: turning completely white.
Regardless of ancestry, we are one nation in #messiah, adopted into the Commonwealth of Israel. The color of your skin, the flags and faiths of your parents, etc., are irrelevant to your salvation. Your obedience and the state of your heart matters.
Link to service - https://youtu.be/XEoABA5yDFY
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Joe Pena
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