Shalom! Take a look at our 2 lessons we offer this week for parsha Shelach. In lesson 37.1 called "Evil Report," we will be following the story of the twelve men that were sent out to spy the land of Kena’an and the two very different reports given to Mosheh.
In 37.2 called "Offerings in the Land," Yahweh gives Mosheh details regarding different offerings that He wants the children of Yisra’el to bring to Him when they enter the land. We will review the offerings that we learned about in parashot Vayikra and Tzav, as well as give more details about these offerings.
You can find these lessons as well as all our lessons at:
We hope that Parsha Pearls blesses your home and remember to share any comments or photos with us on our YMTOI Facebook page or email us at: We love to hear from our followers!
#shelach #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #ymtoi
Have you seen the news lately? Food shortages, gas costs skyrocketing, the housing market shaking, shipping containers delayed, social unrest, war and nuclear threats… It’s not pretty, is it?
Here are some promises to keep handy next time the news makes you feel afraid or you are tempted to worry.
Thought for Today: Monday June 20:
When you cannot sense what YHVH is up to, may you trust even more His Heart towards you. When your journey is different than you would choose, may you see His invitation to make you new. When storms are raging overhead, may you know – with everything in you – those new mercies are on the other side. And when you tempted to overstate your problems and understate His Promises, may you step back and find footing again. On Moshiach, the Solid Rock you stand, all other ground is quicksand. Embrace a very blessed and joy-perspective day.
As Father’s Day draws to a close, I wanted to share some cool lessons I learned from my dad.
"Cheyenne girls taking care of their deerskin dolls and arranging their small tipis in a circle just as their elders did in the big camp."
#nativeamerican #history #makesocialmediafunagain
This man. What an amazing gift he is! He took my broken heart and held it and loved on me and my sweet girls. He gave me a beautiful son, and he’s loved me and pursued me, been a good supplier and protector of our family, through thick and thin. We haven’t had it the easiest, but I know we wouldn’t have wanted to go through anything we’ve been through and will go through without each other! He is my gorgeous best friend, my confidant, and my life partner!
Happy Father’s Day, Baby! You mean more than the world to me! ♥️