Q45: Yeshua said to his disciples, "Ye shall be brought before _____ and _____ for my sake, for a testimony against them and the _____."
Source: www.biblequiz.biz
PS: Discussions are very welcome, but please do not give the answer away in your discussions.
"Homeschooling Torah has helped me dig deep into scripture by following the Torah portions with my children and discussing the study topics. It holds us accountable, keeps us organized, and gives me peace of mind instead of wondering every week what topic we will study. I'm learning too! That's just my favorite topic... But I love how each subject has a teacher's guide that gives me pointers to help improve my children's skills, like the proper posture for writing, how to hold a pencil, and how to make learning fun using everyday objects in the home. Homeschooling Torah saves me money because I don't have to buy any fancy accessories to teach. My wallet, my soul, and my children are so thankful for Homeschooling Torah!" ~Shannyn in Michigan
Joshua's appeal to God in Joshua 7:7-9 ultimately rested on God's reputation before the nations. "For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land will hear of it and will surround us and cut off our name from the earth. And what will you do for your great name?" This is a recurring theme among the patriarchs. Prayers for the sake of God's name carry more weight than prayers for our own.
Ecclesiastes 6;1 - 3, “ I have seen something else unfair here on earth. It causes serious problems for people. God gives some people great wealth, riches and honor. They have everything they want. But God does not let them enjoy such things. Someone else enjoys them instead. This is unfair and senseless. It is sad when a person can’t enjoy the good things God gives him. Such a person might have 100 children. He might live a long time. But what good is it if he can’t enjoy the good God gives him?”Solomon writes that we see this as unfair. Our Creator pours out His blessings on us and we reject those blessings. Maybe Solomon is right, this does seem unfair to our Creator. When we don’t take advantage of the blessings He gives us, is it His fault? No! We have the responsibility to recognize and accept the gifts our Creator offers us. When we reject those gifts and blessings the outcome is our fault. Living the way we are designed to live helps us to see and use those blessings to improve our lives and shelves of the people around us. What will you do with yours?