Day 31 Challenge
Time to do introspection and search the Scriptures... How do you apply the Fruit of kindness & gentleness to Family?
Search the scriptures and apply them!!
#countingtheomer #fruitofthespirit #kindness #gentleness #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #mishpocha
Thought for Today: Tuesday May 17:
May you truly believe today that YHVH is up to something good in your life. May the impossible suddenly seem possible. May you envision the lost being found, the sick made well and the poor made truly rich in Yeshua Moshiach. Remember as you wake up this morning that you are the object of YHVH’s great affection and provision. You matter to Him more than you can comprehend.
A new Edition of the Lawful Literal Version of the Bible is out now
The whole text of LLV=ABSV150 YAH__ is_seeing [even] to_the_heart Edition:
Please distribute freely, but only by sharing the link to this doc:
Download the LLV/ABSV from here:
Please send suggestions for correction/improvement in private messages to Garth Grenache.
A list of all the improvements and the research and thinking behind them can be found here:!AnSLUHc48Z....A-gbVGk2bOTOafPYRKsQ
The Torah portion [Behar - On the Mount (Sinai)] is available on our website and phone app.
It’s so sad to on an often basis find argumentative people in the street, is it me or are you also stumbling upon many very difficult personalities? #spiritualwarfare
Is the gift of tongues a legitimate gift of the Holy Spirit?
Learn more! Watch “The Ten Commandments” (Part 14). See Link in comments.
#cornerfringe #cantmakethisstuffup #tonguesoffire #shavuot #pentecost #commandments #tencommandments #danieljoseph #speakingintongues #holyspirit #ruach #ruachhakodesh