Thought for Today: Wednesday May 18:
Near my home is a spring that never varies its flow. Floods may rage, but its outcome does not increase. A long summer’s drought may come, but it won’t decrease. Its flow is steady, reliable and unending.
Such is the peace we all yearn for – and such is the peace Yeshua promises to all who trusts in Him: [the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life… My Peace I give to you] – John 4:14; 14:27. Have you come to that unending spring – which is Moshiach? Are you coming to Him every day?
Have you watched the third part in our series, "Seven Sabbaths?" In this video, we talk about an amazing revelation in the Word that has the ability to revolutionize your life and your potential for the reign of Elohim! Don't miss it.
These "pastors" have taken child sacrifice and moloch-worship out of the rhetorical and made it actual. They are performing religious rituals to celebrate the killing infants.
May they be visited quickly by the heavy hand of God.
Finally finished.
Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) May 17, 2022
New WPC Edit!
CURSED PREACHER MONTAGE: This Week In Roe V. Wade Discourse
Full video here: