It’s so sad to on an often basis find argumentative people in the street, is it me or are you also stumbling upon many very difficult personalities? #spiritualwarfare
Is the gift of tongues a legitimate gift of the Holy Spirit?
Learn more! Watch “The Ten Commandments” (Part 14). See Link in comments.
#cornerfringe #cantmakethisstuffup #tonguesoffire #shavuot #pentecost #commandments #tencommandments #danieljoseph #speakingintongues #holyspirit #ruach #ruachhakodesh
This is what happens when you are watching #tv
Proverbs 26:11 "As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly." The stuff on the Tell Lie Vision makes people sick and wise people spit it out, but the fool turns it on again.