Govern everything by Your wisdom, O Adonai, so that my soul may always be serving You in the way You will and not as I choose. Let me die to myself so that I may serve You; let me live to You who are life itself. (Philippians 1).
Father, grant to us true family love, That we may belong more entirely to those whom You have given us, Understanding each other, day by day, more instinctively, Forbearing each other, day by day, more patiently, Growing, day by day, more closely into oneness with each other. (Colossians 3).
This is my comfort: that when I come to heaven, I shall understand perfectly what he has done for me, and then I shall be able to praise Him as I ought. Adonai, having this hope, let me purify myself as You are pure, and let me be no more afraid of death but even desire to be dissolved and be with You, which is best of all. (1 Thessalonians 4).
Use us then, our Saviour, for whatever purpose and in whatever way You may require. Here are our poor hearts, empty vessels: Fill them with Your grace. Here are our sinful and troubled souls: Revive them and refresh them with Your love. Take our hearts for Your home; our mouths to spread the glory of Your Name; our love and all our powers for the advancement of Your believing people; and never feel the steadfastness and confidence of our faith to diminish; so that at all times we may be enabled from the heart to say, “Yeshua needs us, and we Him.” (1 Timothy 1).
Our heavenly Father, we rejoice in the blessed communion of all Your saints, which You have allowed us to partake in. We remember before You all who have departed this life in Your faith and love, and especially those most dear to us. We thank You for our present fellowship with them, for our common hope, and for the promise of future joy. Let the cloud of witnesses, the innumerable company of those who have gone before and entered into rest, be to us an example of godly life, and even now may we be refreshed with their joy. With patience may we run the race that remains before us, looking to Yeshua, the author and finisher of our faith. Grant us entrance into the everlasting Kingdom, the glorious assembly of the saints, and with them ever worship and adore your glorious name, world without end. (2 Timothy 4).
O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who dwells in all places and fills all things, the treasure of blessings and giver of life, come and dwell within us and cleanse us from every stain, O Good One and save our souls. (Titus 3).
O Adonai, how great is the privilege of those who can look up with Holy confidence to You. How blessed are they who have You for their friend, You who made heaven and earth and have all things under Your government. We ask You to receive us into your favour, to adopt us into Your family, and to make all things work together for our good. (Hebrews 2).
O Adonai, come quickly and reign on Your throne. Often does something rise up within me and try to take possession of Your throne. Pride, covetousness, sinfulness, and sloth want to be my kings, and then evil speaking, anger, hatred, and a whole train of vices join with me in warring against myself and try to reign over me. I resist them, I cry out against them, and say, “I have no other king but Moshiach!” O King of Peace, come and reign in me, for I will have no king but You. (Hebrews 10).
With thankful hearts we remember all Your saints who have entered into their rest, especially those who we have known in this life. You have called them to the closer communion that awaits the faithful within the veil. Keep us united with them in one fellowship of Spirit, and at the last day gather us together with them into the joy of Your heavenly Kingdom, through Yeshua Moshiach our Adonai. (Hebrews 12).
Have mercy upon us, O YHVH and again have mercy upon us; who, at all times and in every hour, in heaven and on earth, is worshiped and glorified. Moshiach our good Adonai, the long-suffering, exceedingly merciful and extremely compassionate one; who loves the righteous and is merciful to the sinners of whom I am chief; who does not wish the death of a sinner but rather wishes that he repent and live; who calls all to salvation through the promise of blessings to come. Adonai, accept our prayers at this hour and at every hour. Establish our way, and guide us to carry out your commandments. Sanctify our soul. Cleanse our body. Straighten our thoughts. Purify our intentions. Heal our sickness. Forgive our sins. Deliver us from every destructive grief, distress, and heartache. Surround us with Your Holy angels, who guide and guard within their camp, so we may attain the unity of faith and the knowledge of Your infinite and invisible glory. For You are the Blessed YHVH now and forever and from all ages to all ages. (James 5).
Adonai Eloheinu, You know our sorrow better than we know it ourselves. You know how easily our fearful soul entangles itself with untimely and self-made cares. We pray, Adonai: Let us clearly discern their inappropriateness and scorn them proudly, these busy self-made cares. But whatever care You do inflict upon us, let us receive it from Your hand with humility, and give us the strength to bear it. (1 Peter 5).
O Adonai Eloheinu Almighty, whose most blessed Son burst the bands of death and rose again for us: Grant for His sake that we may pass through the grave and gate of death to our joyful resurrection. And, that we may do so, make us while here on earth to rise from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness; that, being risen with Moshiach, we may seek those things which are above, where Moshiach is seated at the right hand of YHVH. May we set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth, and may our life be so hid with Moshiach in YHVH now that when He, who is our life, shall appear, we may also appear with Him in glory; through the same, our only Adonai and Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach. (1 John 5).
Hear us, O never-failing light, Adonai our YHVH, the fountain of light, the light of Your angels, principalities, powers, and of all intelligent beings, who has created the light of Your saints. May our souls be lamps of Yours, kindled and illuminated by You. May they shine and burn with the truth and never go out in darkness and ashes. May the gloom of sins be cleared away and the lights of perpetual faith abide within us. (Revelation 1).
Glory to YHVH in the highest, and peace on earth to people of good will. We praise You, we bless You, we adore You, we glorify You, we give You thanks for Your great glory, O Adonai Elohim, heavenly King, YHVH the Father Almighty. O Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, only begotten Son, Adonai Eloheinu, Lamb of YHVH, Son of the Father: You take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us. Adonai Yeshua, You take away the sins of the world. Receive our prayer. You sit at the right hand of the Father. Have mercy on us. For You alone are the Holy One. You alone are the Adonai. You alone are the Most High, Yeshua Moshiach, with Ruach HaKodesh, in the glory of YHVH the Father. (Revelation 11).
May the strength of YHVH pilot us. May the power of YHVH preserve us. May the wisdom of YHVH instruct us. May the hand of YHVH protect us. May the way of YHVH direct us. May the shield of YHVH defend us. May the host of YHVH guard us against the snares of the evil one and the temptation of this world. May Moshiach be with us, Moshiach be before us, Moshiach be in us, Moshiach be over us. May Your salvation, Adonai, be always ours this day and evermore. (Revelation 22).
Almighty YHVH, we give You thanks that You have given Your Son, not only to die for us, but to be our spiritual food and sustenance in the Holy sacrament of His body and blood. Teach us to consider the dignity of that Holy mystery and so to search and examine our consciences, that we may come Holy and clean to such a heavenly feast, in the marriage garment Your Scriptures require. (John 6).
O Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, You are the way, the truth and the life. We pray You allow us never to stray from You, who are the way, nor distrust You, who are the truth, nor rest in any one other thing than You, who are the life. Teach us, by Your Ruach Kodesh, what to believe, what to do and how to take our rest. (John 14).
Adonai Elohim Almighty, I thank You today for the privilege of being counted among those who have testified of You with their lives; of sharing the cup of suffering that Moshiach drank; and of rising again to life everlasting with Him, in body and soul and in the immortality of Ruach HaKodesh. (John 19).
Grant we pray, Almighty YHVH, that as we believe that Your only begotten Son, our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, ascended into heaven, so we may also in heart and mind there ascend and with Him continually dwell. For He lives and reigns with You and Ruach HaKodesh, one YHVH, for ever and ever. (Acts 1).
Elohim Spirit, by whose aid the world’s foundations first were laid, come, visit every pious mind; come, pour Your joy on humankind. From sin and sorrow set us free and make us, Your temples, worthy be. Refine and purge our earthly parts, but oh, inflame and fire our hearts! Our weakness help, our vice control. Submit the senses to the soul. And when rebellious they have grown, then extend Your hand and hold them down. Immortal honour, endless fame, attend the Almighty Father’s Name. The Saviour Son be glorified, who for lost man redemption has died. Endless adoration and praise to You, O Spirit, we now raise. (Acts 2).
Late have I loved You, O Beauty so ancient and so new; late have I loved You. For behold You were within me, and I outside; and I sought You outside and in my un-loveliness fell upon those lovely things that You have made. You were with me and I was not with You. I was kept from You by those things, yet had they not been in You, they would not have been at all. You called and cried to me to break open my deafness; and You sent forth Your light to shine upon me and chase away my blindness. You breathed fragrance upon me, and I drew in my breath and do now pant for You; I tasted You and now hunger and thirst for You. You touched me, and I have burned for Your peace. (Acts 9).
With all my heart and soul, O YHVH, I thank You, that in all the changes of this mortal life, I can look up to You and cheerfully resign my will to Yours. I have trusted You, O Father, with myself. My soul is in Your hand, and I believe You will preserve me from all evil. My body and all that belongs to it are of much less value. With security and satisfaction, I trust all I have to You. (Acts 16).
O Hope of all Holy and humble persons, the Saviour of them that trust in You in time of trouble, does not allow us to remain as captives in spiritual chains. Redeem us so that we would awake to do Your will. Adonai, You know our desires, and our secret sighing is not hidden from You. Into Your hands I commend my spirit and my prayer. Grant to us as You see fit, and make us fit for what You grant us. Give us wisdom to abound or patience to suffer need. Help us to be content where our Master has placed us. Let all our work be done well before our hour of death. Then let us be gathered into Your arms, just as the harvesters gather the crop at the appointed season. (Acts 26).
Adonai, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled, as to console, to be understood, as to understand, to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. (Romans 6).
O, dear Saviour, be not impatient with us, but still school us at Your feet, till at last we shall have learned some of the sublime lessons of self-sacrifice, of meekness, humility, fervour, boldness, and love, which Your life is fit to teach us. O Adonai, we beg you, moulds us into Your Own image. Let us live in You and live like You. (Romans 12).
O YHVH and ADONAI of the Powers; Elohim of all creation, in Your incomparable mercy, You sent Your only begotten Son and our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach for the salvation of humankind. Through His Holy cross You tore apart the record of our sins and thereby conquered the rulers and powers of darkness. Receive from us sinful people, O merciful Master, these prayers of gratitude and supplication, and deliver us from every destructive and gloomy transgression and from all visible and invisible enemies who seek to injure us. Discipline our flesh with a Holy fear, and let not our heart be prone to words or thoughts of evil. Pierce our soul with Your love. Let us contemplate You, be enlightened by You, and discern You, the unapproachable and everlasting light. May we offer unceasingly our gratitude to You: The eternal Father, with Your only begotten Son, and with Your all Holy, gracious, and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and from age to age. (1 Corinthians 4).
O YHVH, my Elohim, gives me a heart to thank You. Lift up my heart above myself, to You and Your eternal throne. Let it not linger here among the hardships and turmoil of this lower world. Let it not be oppressed by any earth-born clouds of care or anxiety or fear or suspicion. Bind my heart wholly to You and to Your love. Give me eyes to see Your love in all things and Your grace in all that surrounds me. Help me to thank You for Your love and Your grace to all and in all. Give me wings of love that I may soar up to You, cling to You, adore You, and praise You more and more, until I am prepared to enter into the joys of Your everlasting love. (1 Corinthians 13).
Fill me, O Moshiach, with wonder, love, and praise, that I may praise You, YHVH SHAMMAH with us. O Adonai, be my light and my strength. O Adonai, in my weakness, perfects Your strength. O Adonai, make me Your messenger. O Adonai, arm me with the sword of Your Spirit. Adonai Yeshua, speak to me that I may speak for You. Adonai Yeshua, help me to speak the truth. Enable me to show how sweet it is to love You, to weep with You and to rejoice with You. (2 Corinthians 12).
You, O eternal Trinity, are a deep sea into which, the more I enter, the more I find, and the more I find, the more I seek. O abyss, O eternal YHVH Elohim, O sea profound, what more could You give me than Yourself? (Galatians 4).
Give to us, O YHVH, the girdle, the helmet, the breastplate, the shield, the sandals, the sword; and above all things, prayer. Grant to us the power and opportunity of well-doing, that before the day of our departure comes, our efforts may have produced good fruit. Allow us to behold Your presence in righteousness and be fulfilled with Your Glory, for Moshiach’s sake. (Ephesians 6).
Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, You commanded us to love our enemies, those who defame and injure us and to pray for them and forgive them. We know that You prayed for Your enemies, who crucified You. Grant us we pray, the spirit of Christian/Messianic reconciliation and meekness, that we may forgive every injury and be reconciled with our enemies. Help us to overcome ill will and personal offence with Christian meekness and true love of our neighbour. We further ask You, O Adonai, to grant to our enemies true peace and forgiveness of sins. Do not allow them to leave this life without true faith and sincere conversion. And help us to repay evil with goodness and to remain safe from the temptations of the Devil and from all the perils that threaten us in the form of visible and invisible enemies. (Matthew 5).
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13).
O my YHVH, Your loving providence transforms sorrows, difficulties, trials and dangers into means of grace, lessons of patience and channels of hope. Grant us good will to use and not abuse those privileges. By Your great goodness, keep us alive through this dying life, that out of death You may raise us up to immortality. For His sake Who is the life, Yeshua Moshiach our Saviour. (Matthew 10).
Dearest Adonai, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve You as You deserve; To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to heed the wounds, To toil and not to seek rest, To labour and not to seek reward, Save that of knowing that I am doing Your will. (Matthew 16).
I give You thanks, Adonai Yeshua: In the midst of my trials and sufferings You have granted me the strength not to waver; by Your mercy, You have given me a share of glory eternal. Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, Your compassion caused You to suffer to save the world. May the heavens open and the angels receive my spirit, for I am suffering for You and Your church in this place. I beseech You, merciful Adonai, please take me to Yourself. And strengthen the faith of Your servants who remain. (Matthew 20).
Adonai Eloheinu, merciful and mighty: Help those whom I have neglected to help; Set aright those whom I have caused to stumble; Visit those whom I have neglected to visit; Bring back home those I have led astray; Cheer the hearts of those whom I have made sad; Draw with cords of love those for whom my love has grown cold. Save them all, O Adonai and have mercy upon me. (Matthew 25).
We have seen the resurrection of Moshiach; let us worship the Holy Adonai Yeshua, Who alone is without sin. We praise and glorify Your Holy resurrection. For You are our YHVH; we know no other, save for You. Upon Your Name we call. Come, all faithful ones, let us adore the holy resurrection of Moshiach, for through the Cross, joy has come to the entire world. Ever blessing our Adonai, we sing praises of His resurrection. He endured the cross on our behalf and has destroyed death by death. (Matthew 28).
He lay with quiet heart in the stern asleep; Waking, commanded both the winds and the sea. Moshiach, though this weary body slumber deep, Grant that my heart may keep its watch with Thee. O Lamb of YHVH that carried all our sin, guard my sleep against the enemy. (Mark 4).
O YHVH, who has taught us to seek first Your Kingdom and its righteousness, teach me to say, “Your will be done” before I say “Give me my daily bread.” Teach me to accept Your will as the foundation of my happiness, and other things as only its superstructure. I am more afraid of the hunger of the body than of the hunger of the spirit. Convince me that it would not profit me to gain the world and lose my soul. Show me that it is only the possession of my soul that makes the possession of the world any gain. Impress me with the truth that no thing can bring me joy if I myself am not already joyful. Inspire me with the knowledge that the issues of life are not from without but from within. Guide me into the discovery that the pleasures at Your right hand are the only things that are pleasures forevermore. (Mark 8).
It is right and proper that we should give You praise and hymns and glory, O uncreated Father of Yeshua Moshiach, Who is Your only Son. We praise You because You are known by the only Son, proclaimed and explained by Him to created beings and known in turn by them. We praise You because You know the Son and reveal to the saints the glories that are His. We praise You because You are known by the Word You begot and are seen by the saints and understood by them after a fashion. Holy, holy, holy is our Adonai of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Heaven is full, earth is full of Your wonderful glory. (Mark 11).
Almighty YHVH, You inspired Your servant Luke, the physician, to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of Your Son. Graciously continue in Your church the same power to love and heal, to the praise and glory of Your name, through Your Son, Yeshua Moshiach our Saviour and Adonai, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of Ruach HaKodesh, one YHVH Elohim now and forever. (Luke 1).
I am not worthy, Master and Adonai, that You should come beneath the roof of my soul: Yet since You in Your love toward all wish to dwell in me, in boldness I come. Open the gates, which You alone have forged; and You will come in with love toward all as is Your nature; You will come in and enlighten my darkened reason. I believe that You will do this: For You did not send away the harlot that came to You with tears; nor cast out the repentant publican; nor reject the thief who acknowledged Your kingdom; nor forsake the repentant persecutor, a yet greater act; but all of those who came to You in repentance were counted in the band of Your friends, who alone abide blessed forever, now and unto the endless ages. (Luke 5).
O YHVH, our Heavenly Father, who loves humankind and is most merciful and compassionate, have mercy upon our children. We humbly pray for them and commend them to Your gracious protection. O YHVH, be their guide and guardian in all their endeavours. Lead them in the path of Your truth and draw them near to You, that they may lead a godly and righteous life in Your love and fear, doing Your will in all matters. Give them grace that they may be even-tempered, hard-working, diligent, devout, and charitable. Defend them against the assaults of the enemy, and grant them wisdom and strength to resist all temptation and corruption of this life. Direct them in the way of salvation, through Your Son, our Saviour --- Yeshua Moshiach. (Luke 8).
Almighty YHVH, whose Son, our Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach, was lifted high upon the cross that He might draw the whole world to Himself: Mercifully grant that we, who rejoice in the mystery of our salvation, may have the grace to take up our cross and follow Him, who reigns with You and Ruach HaKodesh, one YHVH in glory everlasting. (Luke 14).
Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, Son of YHVH, have mercy on me, a sinner. (Luke 18).
Father Everlasting, who has given us the fellowship of Your Son, Yeshua Moshiach, be near us in this hour of solemn meditation. May our heart be open to every Holy affection and ready to receive and cherish every sacred memory and sacred impression. Impress on us the power of death that this day commemorates. Let a portion of the Spirit that led our Saviour to the cross descend upon us and fill our heart with love for You and our fellow humans. Here and now may every selfish passion and desire be quieted, and may the peace that passes all understanding keep our heart and mind in Yeshua Moshiach. (Luke 23).
For the counting of the Omer, one of today’s Psalms is 136, and it’s definitely the MERCY Psalms! I can’t tell you how much I love the concept of His mercy! It’s so beautiful, because by definition mercy is not something we deserve but it’s what Yahuah is willing to give us for our faith.
So often people of faith (especially Christians) focus SO much is His grace grace grace. which is fine, this doesn’t detract from how amazing His grace is! His grace a gift that is freely given to us by the power of His Sons royal blood! … But mercy, I believe is where we need to focus more on. Mercy is what keeps Him from smiting us down for breaking His Torah, something we EVERY day whether we know it or not. His mercy is something I ask for every day, and I thank YAH that it’s everlasting ?
Apostolic passages to study with parsha Behar (Leviticus 25:1-26:2), plus links to commentary and video:
Mark Price
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