POLL: Would you be interested in purchasing a plush doll of a character from the Straight + Narrow? I recently received notification that the company I do S+N t-shirts though are now offering the ability to do plushes. The image has some examples of other creator's products. To have the plushes made the campaign would need at least 300 units ordered - which is why the poll. I wanted to see if there was even enough interest in it. These are not Drop/Ship like the shirts and would only be available as a one-time offer for that character.
Also, if interested, let me know which character you would like to see!
Join the Call to Action
A man came from Baal-shalishah, bringing the man of God bread of the firstfruits...
2 Kings 4:42
The firstfruits should have been taken to Jerusalem, but the King of Israel had forbidden any citizens of his kingdom from going to the Temple. Since they couldn't go to Jerusalem, it was better that the firstfruits be brought to Elisha than to the false temple of the north. This is an example for all of us who attempt to keep the feasts where we have been exiled in the nations. We do what we can, with what we have, where we are. Just don't mistake our rehearsals for the actual Feast in Jerusalem.
What are graven images? What exactly does the second commandment say?
Enjoy “The Ten Commandments” (Part 13). See link in the comments.
#tencommandments #cornerfringe #commandments #obedience #scripture #torah #biblestudy #yeshua #idolatry #gravenimages #christian #worship #secondcommandment #calluponthelord