Love it! No one does beautiful like Yah!
When These Greet You Outside Your Office Door to The Ministry!! Thank You Abba! (Yes, I know they aren't wild...but still! ?)
“And why be anxious about clothing? Think about the fields of wild irises, and how they grow. They neither work nor spin thread, yet I tell you that not even Shlomo in all his glory was clothed as beautifully as one of these.
Mattityahu (Mat) 6:28-29
Thought for Today: Monday May 16:
Rest in the deep assurance of YHVH’s unfailing Love. Let your body, mind and spirit relax in His Presence. Release into His care anything that is troubling you, so that you can focus your full attention on Him. Be awed by the vast dimensions of His Love for you; wider, longer, higher and deeper than anything you know. Rejoice that this marvellous Love is yours forever. The best response to this glorious gift is a life steeped in thankfulness. Every time you thank YHVH, you acknowledge that He is your Adonai Elohim and Provider. This is the proper stance for a child of Elohim; receiving with thanksgiving. Bring Him the sacrifice of gratitude and watch to see how much He blesses you.