Parable #33. The Shrewd Manager:
Parable #33. The Shrewd Manager:
In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.
Ephesians 1:13-14
As delivering the covenant to the Hebrews at Sinai on Sukkot guaranteed their inheritance in the Land, so does the delivering of the Holy Spirit at #shavuot (aka #pentecost) in Acts 2 guarantee our inheritance in the Kingdom of #yeshua.
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Some of the topics covered are:
00: 00 Opener
00:44 Trisha’s testimony – Coming out of mainstream Christianity
11: 04 Be careful who you let “speak into your life”
16:32 Teffany’s testimony – Drawn away by listening to evil talking (LaShon haRa)
23:34 Is your spiritual “cell signal” getting weak?
27:45 Nature or nurture?
32:27 More about evil talk (LaShon haRa)
35:25 Not just any “teacher” will do
38:55 Don’t become the prey for the predator
40:56 Where is the line between desire and lust?
… and much more!
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Divorce, Remarriage & Putting Away
• INfocus: Lust
• INfocus: The Needs/Wants Disconnect
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#ThursdayThoughts #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #evil #afterburn #southafrica
Link to Afterburn -
Some of the topics covered are:
00: 00 Opener
00:44 Trisha’s testimony – Coming out of mainstream Christianity
11: 04 Be careful who you let “speak into your life”
16:32 Teffany’s testimony – Drawn away by listening to evil talking (LaShon haRa)
23:34 Is your spiritual “cell signal” getting weak?
27:45 Nature or nurture?
32:27 More about evil talk (LaShon haRa)
35:25 Not just any “teacher” will do
38:55 Don’t become the prey for the predator
40:56 Where is the line between desire and lust?
… and much more!
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Divorce, Remarriage & Putting Away
• INfocus: Lust
• INfocus: The Needs/Wants Disconnect
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website, email us at or call us at 423-250-3020.
#ThursdayThoughts #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #evil #afterburn
Join #pastormike today on the #cornerfringeministries #instragram channel as we continue to Count the Omer.
Today is Week Five, Day Thirty-Three of Fifty.
Psalm 67:1-7
Psalm 78:40-55
Are we rebelling against the LORD?
#shabbat #shalom #cornerfringe #torah #psalms #ruachhakodesh #yeshuahamashiach #yeshua #yeshuaisking #love #unashamed
#gospel #dixonil #coonrapidsmn #minneapolis #minnesota
Join #pastormike today on the #cornerfringeministries #instragram channel as we continue to Count the Omer.
Today is Week Five, Day Thirty-Three of Fifty.
Psalm 67:1-7
Psalm 78:40-55
Are we rebelling against the LORD?
#shabbat #shalom #cornerfringe #torah #psalms #ruachhakodesh #yeshuahamashiach #yeshua #yeshuaisking #love #unashamed
#gospel #dixonil #coonrapidsmn #minneapolis #minnesota
Joshua 24;15, “But if it is unpleasing in your sight to serve the LORD, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” Making wise decisions begins with choosing the Creator. When we allow HIs guidance to direct our choices, that is when we will achieve living the way He designed us to live.