Shalom! Take a look at our 2 lessons we offer this week for parsha Vayak'hel/Pekudei. Since the parshas are separated this year you can do .1 this week and .2 next week to complete the parsha.
In lesson 22.1-22.2 called "Wise Hearted Worker Bees" we will review the making of the Dwelling Place and connect it with those who Yahweh called by name to oversee its construction and to craft its pieces. We will also look at the materials that went into each furnishing, and introduce those who participated in the contributions, as well as those who were wise-hearted or whose hearts moved them to help in the making of it. Because Scripture gives us here a little, there a little, we will reference several parshas to give a complete picture.
In lesson 22.2-23.2 called "Raising Up The Dwelling Place," the children of Yisra’el are going to witness and participate in an amazing event—the raising up of the Tent of Appointment and Yahweh’s Dwelling Place. It is now already a year since the children of Yisra’el said good-bye to Mitsrayim, and now all the furnishings and furniture pieces are constructed and ready to be put in their designated places as Yahweh instructs Mosheh. We will also see the establishment of Yahweh’s presence over the Dwelling Place, revealed in the cloud by day and the fire by night—a visible object to lead and guide the children of Yisra’el on their journeys.
You can find these lessons as well as all our lessons at:
We hope that Parsha Pearls blesses your home and remember to share any comments or photos with us on our YMTOI Facebook page or email us at: We love to hear from our followers!
#Vayakhel #Pekudei #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #ymtoi
Shalom! Take a look at our 2 lessons we offer this week for parsha Vayak'hel/Pekudei. Since the parshas are separated this year you can do .1 this week and .2 next week to complete the parsha.
In lesson 22.1-22.2 called "Wise Hearted Worker Bees" we will review the making of the Dwelling Place and connect it with those who Yahweh called by name to oversee its construction and to craft its pieces. We will also look at the materials that went into each furnishing, and introduce those who participated in the contributions, as well as those who were wise-hearted or whose hearts moved them to help in the making of it. Because Scripture gives us here a little, there a little, we will reference several parshas to give a complete picture.
In lesson 22.2-23.2 called "Raising Up The Dwelling Place," the children of Yisra’el are going to witness and participate in an amazing event—the raising up of the Tent of Appointment and Yahweh’s Dwelling Place. It is now already a year since the children of Yisra’el said good-bye to Mitsrayim, and now all the furnishings and furniture pieces are constructed and ready to be put in their designated places as Yahweh instructs Mosheh. We will also see the establishment of Yahweh’s presence over the Dwelling Place, revealed in the cloud by day and the fire by night—a visible object to lead and guide the children of Yisra’el on their journeys.
You can find these lessons as well as all our lessons at:
We hope that Parsha Pearls blesses your home and remember to share any comments or photos with us on our YMTOI Facebook page or email us at: We love to hear from our followers!
#Vayakhel #Pekudei #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #ymtoi
Israel is going to open up March 1st for the unvaccinated. I would love to go home! If any of you have any cheaper ideas on being able to get there and tour, I would love your input! #shemaisrael #bringusback
Thought for Today: Monday February 21:
Worship YHVH ONLY! Idolatry has always been a downfall of His people. YHVH makes no secret of being a jealous Elohim. Current idols are more subtle than ancient ones because today’s false gods are often outside any religion. People, possessions, status, self-aggrandizement and pride are some of the most deities today. Beware of bowing down before these things. False gods never satisfy! Instead, they stir up lust for more and more. When you seek YHVH instead of world idols, you Experience His Joy and Peace. These intangibles slake the thirst of your soul, providing deep satisfaction. The glitter of the world is tiny and temporal, but the Light of YHVH’s Presence is Brilliant and Everlasting. Walk in the Light with YHVH. Thus, you will become a beacon through whom others are drawn to Him.
A good idea I was reminded of that my family did when I was young. We each got turns to find something to pray for each week. We had a bulletin board and pinned each prayer request, written on slips of paper, to it. We had prayer each evening and morning. When a request was answered, we would move it to a separate board and we would use that board as the faith building board. I might do something similar now too. We got to where we would see patterns of answered prayer. Stories of people like George Müller, Hudson Taylor, and Charles Finney were often read to bolster our faith. Now, I pray to have my prayers answered so long as the prayer is in line with a promise in scripture. For a quick example, we know that God is not willing that any should perish but have everlasting life. So when we pray, we can say, Father, you say you are not willing that any man perish without salvation. We claim this promise as we believe it applies here. Bring...... to salvation. Amen.
This is a second thought. To often we sayin Yeshua's name etc. This reduces our faith and makes us feel like it may not be a prayer that is answerable. Not that this is wrong, but it makes our prayers, like petitions with no law or statement following it. If it is promised in the word of God, we must boldly approach the throne of Grace and plead with God. Remember, We are not servants, dependant on the wages from our employer but rather, Adopted sons and if sons, heirs of the promise of eternal life together.
A good idea I was reminded of that my family did when I was young. We each got turns to find something to pray for each week. We had a bulletin board and pinned each prayer request, written on slips of paper, to it. We had prayer each evening and morning. When a request was answered, we would move it to a separate board and we would use that board as the faith building board. I might do something similar now too. We got to where we would see patterns of answered prayer. Stories of people like George Müller, Hudson Taylor, and Charles Finney were often read to bolster our faith. Now, I pray to have my prayers answered so long as the prayer is in line with a promise in scripture. For a quick example, we know that God is not willing that any should perish but have everlasting life. So when we pray, we can say, "Father, you say you are not willing that any man perish without salvation. We claim this promise as we believe it applies here. Bring...... to salvation. Amen."
This is a second thought. To often we say"in Yeshua's name etc." This reduces our faith and makes us feel like it may not be a prayer that is answerable. Not that this is wrong, but it makes our prayers, like petitions with no law or statement following it. If it is promised in the word of God, we must boldly approach the throne of Grace and plead with God. Remember, We are not servants, dependant on the wages from our employer but rather, Adopted sons and if sons, heirs of the promise of eternal life together.
Shalom Shalom Family!?
Psalm 30:4-5
Sing praises to YHVH, O you His righteous, and give thanks to His Holy Name. For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Ecclesiastes 3:11,
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
Our Heavenly Father and Creator, Sovereign I AM Thank YOU for another beautiful day. Thank You for the beautiful sounds of birds, giving Praises unto You, while filling our hearts with gladness. As we hear the birds singing melodies, we give thanks for our ability to hear. You are wonderful Adonai Elohim, full of grace and mercy. IWe praise You for allowing us to enter this day knowing Yout love endures forever. Thank You for refreshing our Spirit awaken us with renewed strength. Please ignite our spirits and set this day that we live on Your word and every promise.. Thank You for showing us the extraordinary in Your creation. Please.engage us to spread Your love to all we meet today. Help us to smile, as Your face shine upon us. , Please brush away any weariness, so that we may be inspired in every appointed work. Please keep our minds clear and focused on all that we need to achieve. Please give me the wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong an guide us to walk in wholeness and truth. Please bless our family, our children and friends with Your unfailing love and Grace. Please fill our day with victory, gladness and joy. Please shield us and protect us from harm and all evil. Please forgive us all our sins and trespasses against Thee and others. Thank You for our daily bread and provisions. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven . To You all the Glory and Praises. Amein
Be blessed and stay blessed?
This week's email will be about one of Paul's statements that is often interpreted to mean exactly the opposite of what it says:
For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law.
Romans 2:14
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