Our seven kids love to play games with mom and dad! We enjoy games more than worksheets in school, video-game tournaments more than television, and board games more than other family activities. As a homeschooling mom, I love how playing games together as a family provides benefits that go far beyond school time. Here's why... https://homeschoolingtorah.com..../for-the-love-of-gam
Ah yeah!
2200!! Awesome!
Now to keep growing. Are y'all sharing TTN with every Torahkeeper you know? Are you being active and considering the ways this excellent platform can be used? Post pics and updates. Interact with posts, connect with family you didn't know you had. Join a group or two and add content! :)
This place is just beginning. Can't wait to have 10,000 or 30,000 members of the family actively building in here!!
2200!! Awesome!
Now to keep growing. Are y'all sharing TTN with every Torahkeeper you know? Are you being active and considering the ways this excellent platform can be used? Post pics and updates. Interact with posts, connect with family you didn't know you had. Join a group or two and add content! :)
This place is just beginning. Can't wait to have 10,000 or 30,000 members of the family actively building in here!!
Coming up on Tuesday. Email me: andrew@firstfruits.cc for the location of that place where we meet or just join us online at https://bit.ly/3qXpMHx.
The medium on which God's Law was written moved progressively further from God's ideal. God tried to write His Law on the hearts of His people at Sinai, but they refused, So God wrote His Law on stone tablets, but they were broken. Finally Moses wrote God's Law on parchment, and even this was largely ignored. God promises that someday He will succeed in writing His Law on the hearts of His people.
The process of writing God's Law on the hearts of his people has begun, but we cannot say it is complete until we understand it instinctively and we no longer need to teach each other about God. See Jeremiah 31:34.
Iain Mcclain_wilhelm Melket Näher
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Iain Mcclain_wilhelm Melket Näher
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