I have been FEASTING on James Block today while working on several projects. If you are not familiar with this incredibly anointed and gifted artist that lives in Jerusalem, take a deep drink here... Scripture, scripture, and more scripture by a dear brother who understands and longs for the restoration of kol Israel!!
Wisdom cries out in the streets, markets, courts, and boardrooms of the world. She is free to whomever seeks her out, but you will never find her in books alone. #proverbs 1:20-21
Warning! Warning...
Don't do these if you what a STRONG walk with the LORD!
1. Put the Bible into an "Academia sterile environment".
a. Never allow the supernatural in the form of the Holy Spirit to work.
b. Having an Academia BOX ONLY approach without wanting or having the power of the WORD of GOD, will protect the person from the deeper mysteries. Knowledge of the WORD is not the same as memorizing it. Most courses do their best for YOU NOT to go deeper than the last book they sold.
The upside is that works never enough. The very least you can do and I do mean the VERY LEAST.
2. Keep your knowledge of the WORD of God in a Gameshow mode.
a. make what you know like playing Jeopardy. example: who was the wife of Jeroboam? Can't be answered. These types of games are enjoyable the person gets points but while doing so misses the point. if you are good at Bible Jeopardy you might be in jeopardy if your relationship with God is all in a game mode. . .
3. Keep your EGO UPFRONT. Make sure everyone knows how important YOU ARE rather than bringing them to Christ, Jesus.
a. This will trump the first two and your Bible will be sure to become just another book to use to show yourself off to others. You never know who you are talking to in the spiritual world. The one that counts is The Father, HIS Son, and The Holy Spirit.
You shall also make a basin of bronze, with its stand of bronze, for washing. You shall put it between the tent of meeting and the altar, and you shall put water in it...
#exodus 30:18
The bronze laver was placed between the bronze altar and the tabernacle. You can't get to the sanctuary without going through the cleansing of the altar and laver. The metaphorical implication of this is that repentance, justification, and a sanctified life are necessary preconditions for a life close to God.
Another thing implied by the laver's placement: Priests and rulers cannot serve God and the people effectively if they are not themselves living sanctified lives.
Unleash the Moses in you this new working week: --
Moses was called to save and lead the Israelites out of bondage of slavery. He had a speech problem and tried to use that an excuse but still YHVH called and used him. The same with you -- Unleash the Moses in you -- You may have a speech problem not knowing the Word that well but let Ruach HaKodesh takes over as in the case of Moses. You are also called to lead your family, your work colleagues and your friends out of slave bondage of sin to the promised land (the Eternal Kingdom) As in Moses' case: You are also able to part the sea of problems on your road. As in Moses' case, you will also have to endure moans and groans BUT take note: As in Moses' case, YHVH is also in control in your life. Let go of what you hold back so dearly and let YHVH use you as a witness, an example for others. You may think that it is not possible because you are a sinner? Moses was a murderer! Blessings for this week and unite! Be Bold!
Yeshua Expects to Deny Ourselves in Following Him:
[Yeshua said to the crowd: if any of you wants to be My follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily and follow Me.] -- Luke 9:23. People are willing to pay a high price for something they value. Is it any surprise that Yeshua would demand this much commitment from His followers? There are at least three conditions that must be met by people who want to follow Yeshua. We must be willing to deny self, to take up our crosses and to follow Him. Anything less is superficial lip service.
Yeshua Expects us to Imitate Him:
Believers follow their Adonai by imitating His life and obeying His Commands. To take up the cross meant to carry your own cross to the place where you would be killed. Many Galileans had been killed that way by the Romans. Applied to the disciples, it meant to identify completely with Moshiach’s message, even if it meant death. We must deny our selfish desires to use our time and money our own way and to choose our own direction in life without regard to Moshiach. Following Moshiach is costly now, but in the long run, it is well worth the pain and effort.
Yeshua Expects the Investment of Our Lives in His Service:
If this present life is most important to you, you will do everything you can to protect it. You will not want to do anything that might endanger your safety, health or comfort. By contrast, if following Yeshua is most important, you may find yourself in unsafe, unhealthy and uncomfortable places. You will risk death, but you will not fear it because you know that Yeshua will raise you to eternal life. Nothing material can compensate for the loss of eternal life. Yeshua’s disciples are not to use their lives on earth for their own pleasure; they should spend their lives serving YHVH and people.
Yeshua Expects us to Repent of Our Sins:
[The people of Nineveh too, will rise up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah. And now someone greater than Jonah is here-and you refuse to repent.] -- Luke 11:32. The cruel, warlike men of Nineveh, capital of Assyria, repented when Jonah preached to them; and Jonah did not even care about them. The pagan queen of the South (Sheba) praised the YHVH of Israel when she heard Solomon’s wisdom and Solomon was full of faults. By contrast Yeshua, the perfect Son of YHVH, had come to people that He loved dearly; but they rejected Him. Thus YHVH’S chosen people made themselves more liable to judgment than either a notoriously wicked nation or a powerful pagan queen. Compare -- Luke 10:12-15, where Yeshua says the evil cities of Sodom, Tyre and Sidon will be judged less harshly than the cities in Judea and Galilee that rejected Yeshua’s message.
Yeshua Expects us to Act Upon the Knowledge We Have:
The Ninevites and the queen of the South had turned to YHVH with far less evidence than Yeshua was giving His listeners; and far less than we have today. We have eyewitness reports of the risen Yeshua, the continuing power of Ruach HaKodesh unleashed at Pentecost, easy access to the Bible and knowledge of two thousand years of Moshiach’s acts through His Church. With the knowledge and insight available to us, our response to Moshiach ought to be even more complete and wholehearted.
Yeshua Expects us to Identify With His Death:
[I myself no longer live, but Moshiach lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of YHVH, who loved me and gave Himself for me.] -- Galatians 2:20. How have we been crucified with Moshiach? Legally, YHVH looks at us as if we had died with Moshiach. Because our sins died with Him, we are no longer condemned -- Colossians 2:13-15. Relationally, we have become one with Moshiach and His experiences are ours. Our believer’s life began when, in unity with Him, we died to our old life -- see Romans 6:5-11. In our daily life, we must regularly crucify sinful desires that keep us from following Moshiach. This too is a kind of dying with Him -- Luke 9:23-25.
Yeshua Expect us to Live For Him:
The focus of believers is not dying, but living. Because we have been crucified with Moshiach, we have also been raised with Him -- Romans 6:5. Legally, we have been reconciled with YHVH -- 2 Corinthians 5:19 and are free to grow into Moshiach’s likeness -- Romans 8:29. And in our daily life, we have Moshiach’s resurrection power as we continue to fight sin -- Ephesians 1:19-20. We are no longer alone, for Moshiach lives in us; He is our power for living and our hope for the future -- Colossians 1:27.
Yeshua Expects us to Adopt a Servant’s Attitude:
[Your attitude should be the same that Yeshua Moshiach had]. -- Philippians 2:5. Yeshua Moshiach was humble, willing to give up His rights in order to obey YHVH and serve people. Like Moshiach, we should have a servant’s attitude, serving out of love for YHVH and for others, not out of guilt or fear. Remember, you can choose your attitude. You can approach life expecting to be served or you can look for opportunities to serve others. -- See Mark 10:45 for more on Moshiach’s attitude of servant hood.
Yeshua Expects Our Lives to be Marked by His Humility:
Often people excuse selfishness, pride or evil by claiming their rights. They think, I can cheat on this test; after all I deserve to pass this class or I can spend all this money on myself; I worked hard for it or I can get an abortion; I have a right to control my own body. But as believers, we should have a different attitude, one that enables us to lay aside our rights in order to serve others. If we say we follow Moshiach, we must also say we want to live as He lived. We should develop His attitude of humility as we serve, even when we are not likely to get recognition for our efforts. Are you selfishly clinging to your rights or are you willing to serve?
Peter Rambo
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