We're new and want to offer $2000 of website service for free to the self-employed and small business owner in #henderonsville. There is no catch. We hope this helps us both with positive reviews and referrals. Let's grow together. Book a virtual call at https://replug.tfp.digital/f9ad8fd0
We're new and want to offer $2000 of website service for free to the self-employed and small business owner in #henderonsville. There is no catch. We hope this helps us both with positive reviews and referrals. Let's grow together. Book a virtual call at https://replug.tfp.digital/f9ad8fd0
I need to get a Mac laptop so that I can build the iOS app for TTN as the developers are asking more than what I can afford to do the work.
Is there someone who has a cheap Mac laptop for sale that would be capable of building Xcode apps? If so, then please contact me directly via chat (Rhy Bezuidenhout) so that we can discuss a way forward.
I want to add what Peter Rambo said in another post and ask that everyone participate with this:
This is the hashtag that should appear in EVERY product post on TTN. And, as a family, we should point every Torahkeeper that we know to TTN and encourage all who have businesses or products to list those on this site as another outlet that FAMILY can reach to when they are looking for something.
Further, consider what skills you have or can develop to add to the fledgling economy of #kolisrael
This is the hashtag that should appear in EVERY product post on TTN. And, as a family, we should point every Torahkeeper that we know to TTN and encourage all who have businesses or products to list those on this site as another outlet that FAMILY can reach to when they are looking for something.
Further, consider what skills you have or can develop to add to the fledgling economy of #kolisrael
If you ask your neighbor to watch over something of yours while you're away, don't hold him responsible for damages due to causes beyond his control. If he lets someone steal it or if he damages it, that's another story.
If he borrows something from you and it's damaged while you're not around to supervise, no matter the cause of the damage, he is to make it right.
#Exodus 22:10-15 #Mishpatim
People used to say I was too smart for my own good I see the truth was more that they never wanted me to obtain ancient wisdom proven time and time again in principle prophecy and application. People don't like truth when it interferes with "business ego or carnel things they more often choose those things over whas truly legit. I got a vow to get back to and fufill properly though. Pray I strive in accordance with Abba Yahhs will properly.
Mealtimes were strictly family times. It is doubtful whether a meal comparable to a breakfast was eaten, and a farmer would probably have a light lunch in the fields. The mother prepared the main meal of the day, and it would be eaten in the early evening. Although the variety of food available was limited, its preparation was time-consuming. Feast times were periods of great religious significance and were also the days when family members participated in the symbolic rituals of their faith. Among the Israelites, several kinds of food were fundamental to their religious ritual. Special meals moulded together the sense of family unity and the national religion. YHVH designed the family for unity - a place where all its members could draw strength from one another. Daylight played an important part in daily habits. Although oil lamps were readily available in later periods, it was customary to rise with the sun and go to bed relatively soon after dark. The wife would probably be up before sunrise and might continue her labour after dark.
By New Testament times, those who followed the sophisticated styles of Greece and Rome inherited an easier life and a more elegant one, too. Despite that, the status of many family members did not necessarily change. Wealthier families had more slaves, and the children were more likely to have a formal education. Therefore, they did not have as many family chores. Even in Roman times, however, the father still had a legal right to accept or reject his child. The status of women improved in the New Testament period. People respected a Roman matron, and she exerted a strong influence over her husband. Greek women were sequestered in a particular section of the house. In contrast, a Roman woman managed and supervised tasks in any part of her home. She helped her husband in business, had her own place in theatres, games, and religious festivals, and sometimes managed her own property. Yeshua’s attitude toward women helped them to enjoy new status and influence in the early believers church.
Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children because Joseph had been born to him in his old age. So one day he gave Joseph a special gift-a beautiful robe. -- Genesis 37:3 In Joseph’s Day, everyone had a robe or cloak. Robes were used to warm oneself, to bundle up belongings for a trip, to wrap babies in, to sit on, or even to serve as security for a loan. Most robes were knee length, short sleeved, and plain. In contrast, Joseph’s robe was probably of the kind worn by royalty-long sleeved, ankle length, and colourful. The robe became a symbol of Jacob’s favouritism toward Joseph, and it aggravated the already strained relations between Joseph and his brothers. Favouritism in families may be unavoidable, but its divisive effects should be minimized. Parents may not be able to change their feelings toward a favourite child, but they can change their actions toward the others.
I show this unfailing love to many thousands by forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. Even so I do not leave sin unpunished, but I punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations. -- Exodus 34:7. Why would sins affect grandchildren and great-grandchildren? This is no arbitrary punishment. Children still suffer for the sins of their parents. Consider child abuse or alcoholism, for example. While these sins are obvious, sins like selfishness and greed can be passed along as well. The dire consequences of sin are not limited to the individual family member. Be careful not to treat sin casually but repent and turn from it. The sin may cause you little pain now, but it could sting in a most tender area of your life later-your children and grandchildren.
For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of YHVH’s Church? -- 1 Timothy 3:5. Believers and volunteers sometimes make the mistake of thinking their work is so important that they are justified in ignoring their families. Spiritual leadership, however, must begin at home. If a man is not willing to care for, discipline, and teach his children, he is not qualified to lead the Church. Don’t allow your volunteer activities to detract from your family responsibilities.
You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvellous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am Adonai Elohim. -- Exodus 10:2 YHVH told Moses that his miraculous experiences with Pharaoh should be retold to his descendants. What stories Moses had to tell! Living out one of the greatest dramas in biblical history, he witnessed events few people would ever see. It is important to tell our children about YHVH’s work in our past and to help them see what he is doing right now. What are the turning points in your life where YHVH intervened? What is YHVH doing for you now? Your stories will form the foundations of your children’s belief in YHVH.
And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these Commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again. -- Deuteronomy 6:6-7. This passage provides the central theme of Deuteronomy. It sets a pattern that helps us relate the Word of YHVH to our daily lives. We are to love YHVH, think constantly about His Commandments, teach His Commandments to our children, and live each day by the guidelines in His Word. YHVH emphasized the importance of parents teaching the Bible to their children. The church and believer schools cannot be used to escape from this responsibility. The Bible provides so many opportunities for object lessons and practical teaching that it would be a shame to study it only one day a week. Eternal truths are most effectively learned in the loving environment of a Elohim-fearing home.
Children were generally well loved, but their childhood was short, and they were often regarded as labourers for the house or fields. According to the Law, the eldest son received a double portion of the estate as his birth right -- Deuteronomy 21:17. Thus, he was assured of the position of family head. Even during his father’s lifetime, the eldest son took precedence over his brothers and sisters -- Genesis 43:33. Where twins were born, the first to emerge from the womb was considered the elder, with all his privileges -- Genesis 25:24-26; Genesis 38:27-30. The eldest son could lose this right if he committed a serious offense -- Genesis 35:22; Genesis 49:3-4; 1 Chronicles 5:1. Or it could be surrendered voluntarily, as Esau did by selling his birth right to his brother Jacob -- Genesis 25:29-34. A law protected the oldest son’s rights even if the father favoured the younger son -- Deuteronomy 21:15-17. Nevertheless, King David gave his kingdom to Solomon, his youngest son -- 1 Kings 2:15. In a family with no sons, a daughter could inherit property --Numbers 27:8. Frequently, parents consulted neither sons nor daughters when marriage partners were arranged for them. Marriage was often an alliance or contract between two families, and thus the wishes and concerns of the individuals were considered unimportant. Love matches were few, although occasionally a son would marry in defiance of his parents, as Esau did -- Genesis 26:34-35. Although it was rare for young people to express their feelings and preferences about marriage in an open fashion, Saul’s daughter, Michal, announced her love for David -- 1 Samuel 18:20. There is no record of legal adoption among the Hebrews, but it was practiced from ancient times in Mesopotamia. It was especially useful as a means of ensuring a childless couple that their land would be tilled and that they would be cared for in their old age. All examples of adoption mentioned in the Old Testament took place outside the land of Israel -- Exodus 2:10; 1 Kings 11:20; Esther 2:7, 15 and are not examples of true adoption as a lifetime member of a family.
Children suffered unfortunate distinctions between males and females because of the nature of a male-dominant society. A daughter could be sold into slavery or sold to be the concubine of a man and then possibly sold again -- Exodus 21:7-11. She certainly held an inferior position to that of a son. In the patriarchal period, however, both a son and a daughter could be put to death for disobeying the head of the family. One’s children could also be sacrificed in pagan worship rituals -- see Genesis 22; Judges 11. Pagan nations neighbouring Israel, including Canaan and Ammon, probably practiced infant sacrifice. Many of these ancient family traditions seem so foreign - even barbaric - to us today. Likewise, the family unit of biblical times could not begin to understand the typical family’s modern traditions. Satan has always attacked the family because of its important role in YHVH’s Creation. Children gained more rights from YHVH’s Law at the time of Moses. A father could not put his child to death without referring the case to the elders -- Deuteronomy 21:18-21. A father could accuse his son or daughter of being disobedient, gluttonous or a drunkard. However, the elders heard the cases. A father’s absolute authority even extended to his married son and family if they were living under his roof. According to Law, children could not be responsible for the crimes of their parents -- Deuteronomy 24:16. In King David’s time, a person had the right of appeal to the king if the community convicted him or her -- 2 Samuel 14:4-11. Hebrew families honoured their parents above all else. Children honoured both their mother and father -- Exodus 20:12. The Law condemned offenses against either parent -- Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9; Deuteronomy 21:18; Deuteronomy 27:16. The Wisdom Literature-mainly Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes-focuses on the respect due a woman -- Proverbs 19:26; Proverbs 20:20; compare to Sirach 3:1-16. YHVH gave His people specific Laws to distinguish them from the pagan cultures around them. Although believing in Yeshua is a relationship more than it is about keeping rules and regulations, the Bible teaches standards for human behaviour. Without Laws, as we see in the pagan cultures then and now, people are ruthless, evil, and unbalanced. YHVH’s Laws helped guide the Israelites in their new culture, and they still guide us today to live a principled life.
In the everyday affairs of a Hebrew household, it was the father’s responsibility to maintain the family fortune and to be the provider. He might work in the fields, most probably with crops of flax, barley, or wheat. Or he would work at a trade, possibly as a weaver, builder, potter, dyer, fuller, or a worker in copper or bronze. If he lived near the shore, he might be a fisherman. The father was also responsible for the religious well-being of the family. It was his duty to take over his sons’ education from the mother at an early age, teaching them the tenets of the Hebrew religion -- Exodus 10:2; Exodus 12:26; Deuteronomy 4:9; Deuteronomy 6:7. He also explained all the facets of the Law and the history of the Jewish people. The father was the disciplinarian of the family. The – rod - was the method of choice to drive home the lessons -- Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 22:15; Proverbs 29:15-17, though it is not completely clear what is meant by these references. Though children were loved and valued, they were not pampered Sirach 30:9-12. After the exile to Babylon, the synagogue became the centre for education. Shortly before the time of Moshiach, a general elementary education was introduced. Fathers, however, still had to teach their sons a trade. They usually passed on their own craft. A man without a trade either starved or became a thief. Another important paternal responsibility was that of a matchmaker - providing wives for male offspring in the household.
The mother was responsible for her sons’ and daughters’ early education -- Proverbs 1:8; Proverbs 6:20, teaching them religious songs and prayers as soon as they could talk. A father took over the education of his sons, but the mother continued with the daughters, training them to spin, weave, cook, clean, trim the lamps, and become competent in all the household duties -- Proverbs 31:13-31. With little furniture, keeping a house clean meant sweeping the floors to keep them free from dust and dirt. Cooking was at once simple and difficult. It was simple in that they cooked much of the food in the form of a soup or stew, or else made it into a cake and cooked it on a griddle. It was difficult in that the corn had to be ground by hand and bread was baked daily. A mother was expected to take wool, card it, spin it, and often weave and make clothes for her family. In addition, she would help her husband in the fields at the time of harvest. Because many families had one or more olive trees, a few grapevines, and fig trees, the mother would also assist in picking the fruit. She would sometimes work at the press when the olives or grapes were being processed. The husband and wife would frequently tread the grapes together in the family vat. Drawing water from the well was considered a menial task and was generally the wife’s responsibility, although sometimes it was given to the children -- Genesis 24:15-16.
As in all societies, children laughed and played together -- Zechariah 8:5; Matthew 11:16, although childhood and adolescence were not seen as specific stages of development. Children were considered sucklings if they were under three, but they were regarded as boys or girls when they were able to take care of themselves. Mothers played with their children and enjoyed family time together -- Isaiah 66:12. There is no evidence of organized sports for children. Toys, including whistles, rattles, dolls, and miniature cooking utensils, have been excavated at Palestinian sites. As soon as a boy was old enough, he took his place in the family and accepted his appointed task. Among other things, children were expected to gather wood -- Jeremiah 7:18. Young boys and girls tended the flocks. The sheep had to be protected from marauding wild beasts, guarded against their own folly when they wandered near crevices, steered toward good pasture and water, and carried home when sick or injured Genesis 29:6; Exodus 2:16. Children also cared for the cattle 1 Samuel 16:11. Of necessity, boys were trained in the various arts of war. Children sometimes joined their fathers in the fields, and their presence was always welcome. From earliest times, boys would watch their fathers until they too picked up a tool or implement to try their skill; girls watched and learned from their mothers. Young children frequently listened to the talk of the elders at the city gates or in the villages. A visit to a sanctuary at festival time was a family affair, furnishing an ideal learning experience. As a child, Yeshua accompanied Mary and Joseph to the Temple in Jerusalem -- Luke 2:42-47. Young girls were surprisingly free to go about their appointed tasks. They were not secluded or veiled and could visit uninhibited with friends and neighbours -- Genesis 34:1. They were also able to converse with men without embarrassment -- Genesis 24:15-25; Genesis 29:11-12 ; 1 Samuel 9:11-13)