Shabbat shalom, everybody! We'll be back in our hall tomorrow for the first time in a long while! Hope to see a lot of folks there and also online!
This coming week, January 23-29 (21-27 Shevat 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Mishpatim (Ordinances).
23 Jan Exodus 21:1-19 2 Kings 19:20-20:21 Luke 8:1-21 Proverbs 11:9-16
24 Jan Exodus 21:20-22:4 2 Kings 21:1-22:20 Luke 8:22-39 Proverbs 11:17-24
25 Jan Exodus 22:5-27 2 Kings 23:1-24:7 Luke 8:40-56 Proverbs 11:25-31
26 Jan Exodus 22:28-23:5 2 Kings 24:8-25:30 Luke 9:1-17 Psalm 58:1-11
27 Jan Exodus 23:6-19 1 Chronicles 1:1-54 Luke 9:18-36 Psalm 59:1-17
28 Jan Exodus 23:20-25 1 Chronicles 2:1-55 Luke 9:37-50 Psalm 60:1-12
29 Jan Exodus 23:26-24:18 Jeremiah 34:8-22, Luke 9:51-62 Psalm 61:1-8
The complete annual Bible reading plan for 2021-22 (Hebrew year 5782) is available at this link:
There are some striking parallels between Jesus' transfiguration (Matthew 17) and Moses' experience on Sinai (Exodus 19, etc). For example...
-Both men climbed the mountain with an inner circle of special advisors.
-Both men had an encounter with YHVH on the mountain.
-Both men's physical appearance was transformed and shone with an inner light.
-YHVH appeared on both mountains in clouds and light and spoke in a voice others could hear.
-Observers in both cases fell on their faces before the power of God.
#biblepatterns #yitro
Why did Solomon have so much to say about parenting and marriage? Because he had so much experience! Age and experience gives perspective, knowledge, and wisdom. Pay attention to your elders. They're not completely ignorant.
Tomorrow's the Sabbath! May today's preparations go smoothly so you can enjoy a restful Shabbat at the foot of your Savior.
#sabbath #shabbat #shalom #shabbatshalom #prepday #preparation #preparefortheking #worship #cornerfringe #judeochristian #hebrew #jewish #christian #iloveyeshua