Thought for Today: Wednesday January 19:
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. -- John 11:25
What a glorious message! Yeshua Moshiach is alive and those who believe in Him live, also. So your loved one whom you thought dead isn’t dead at all, but lives and shall forever live; untouched by pain or trouble. When sorrow comes, repeat over and over this Scripture. And presently the shadows will flee away and the light of a new day will dawn for you.
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Western culture has been on a steady moral decline for at least the last fifty years. The causes can be debated, however the collapse of the family structure and the rise of radical feminism is unquestionably a major factor. Today, masculinity is regarded as toxic and anything that hints at patriarchy is immediately attacked with a vigor that can only come from the fires of hell. It is this extreme venom against masculinity and patriarchal structure, coupled with the increasing collapse of society, that should clue the average person in to the fact that there must be a deeply spiritual reason why the Enemy of our souls hates the authority structure God put in place even before the Garden of Eden. Clearly, God has a purpose for ordering family and His people in a certain way. This book is a study through the Books of Moses, coupled with the much broader message of Scripture, to demonstrate that God is very intentional and very consistent in His design for the roles of man and woman. Further, specific attention is given to His structure for clans and tribes in the prophesied restoration of the dry bones of Ezekiel 37, the whole house of Israel. Indeed, for those who desire the coming of the Messiah and long to see the Messianic Age, this book serves as a sort of field guide to building family, clan, and tribe as we await the full recovery and restoration of Israel. Join me on this journey of discovery as we connect dots in Scripture, recover lost truths, and delve into topics that challenge the false paradigms we may have inherited from our fathers. Ultimately, it is to our fathers of old - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - that Malachi the prophet bids us return when he counsels,4:4 “Remember the Torah of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. 5 “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. 6 He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.” Do we know the statutes and ordinances, particularly as they relate to authority, headship, and family structure? If these are the Days of Elijah, we had better be grasping the Torah of Moses and all it says about how the sons and daughters of Israel are to act and interact.
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About 2,500 years ago, Jeremiah wrote about a new covenant God would make with His people, Israel -"Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah..." Jeremiah 31:31He wrote this as the Babylonian Empire was on the verge of conquering the last independent part of Israel, the kingdom (or house) of Judah. Nearly a century and a half earlier, the Assyrian Empire had put an end to the other part of the nation: the northern kingdom (or house) of Israel, which the Bible often calls by the names of Joseph and Ephraim. Jeremiah's description of the new covenant is echoed in the New Testament in Hebrews 8:8-12. Readers of the Bible often overlook the fact that God makes this covenant not just with the Jewish people, nor solely with the Christian church, but with the two parts of the nation of Israel. Jeremiah explains the covenant in the context of God's promise to restore the entire nation. How does that change our understanding of God's unfolding plan for ushering the Messianic Age eagerly awaited by Christians and Jews? Ten Parts in the King offers an explanation for the Torah Awakening among Christians, linking it to the prophecies of Israel's restoration. Every part of scripture, from Moses to the prophets to the Apostles, points to the restoration of both parts of Israel: the Jewish House of Judah, and the non-Jewish House of Joseph/Ephraim. The Jewish people have been the visible portion of the nation for millennia, but now in the latter days the House of Joseph/Ephraim is becoming visible as Christians embrace the Hebrew roots of their faith. Without the Jewish people, there can be no Israel. Without the Hebrews of Ephraim, Israel cannot be complete.
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After more than 1800 years of division between Christendom and the Hebrew roots of our faith, maybe it is time to go back and consider the breach. Millions around the world are doing just that and finding that maybe, in jettisoning everything that looked 'Jewish,' we mistakenly threw out some very important parts of our faith that Scripture clearly says are 'forever.' Repairing the Breach explores a number of these issues of division and considers what Scripture says as compared to doctrines and traditions handed down from our fathers. If you are looking for a compassionately written, first-hand exploration into these ancient paths and our need to reconsider the Way of our Father, then this is the book. Together, with seminary trained author, Pete Rambo, you can discover what it means to be repairers of the breach, restorers of the streets on which to dwell. (Isaiah 58:12)
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