Many have asked over the years for Torah Sisters shirts and gear, and I've finally made some for you! You can choose from shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, water bottle and even stickers! Thank you for your support! The link is in the comments.
Many have asked over the years for Torah Sisters shirts and gear, and I've finally made some for you! You can choose from shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, water bottle and even stickers! Thank you for your support! The link is in the comments.
Many have asked over the years for Torah Sisters shirts and gear, and I've finally made some for you! You can choose from shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, water bottle and even stickers! Thank you for your support! The link is in the comments.
Many have asked over the years for Torah Sisters shirts and gear, and I've finally made some for you! You can choose from shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, water bottle and even stickers! Thank you for your support! The link is in the comments.
Many have asked over the years for Torah Sisters shirts and gear, and I've finally made some for you! You can choose from shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, water bottle and even stickers! Thank you for your support! The link is in the comments.
I'll be speaking at the Surge Ladies Retreat and Conference in Belton, Texas, August 12-14. Buy tickets early and contact Sarah if you have questions. This place looks AMAZING! There will be several fabulous speakers and many new friends await meeting you, myself especially.
What resources are out there for teaching Bible/Torah to kids? Let's share the resources, websites, books and more that we enjoy for teaching Bible to kids and teens. they can be free or paid. I'll compile my favorites into a blog post in a few days. Thank you! Feel free to post your own stuff, too!
Wanted to let you know about this upcoming online conference about creation, the Feasts, and more. Viisit their website for details.
515 -- That sacrifices of cattle can only take place when they are at least eight days old
516 -- Not to leave any flesh of the thanksgiving offering until the morning
517 -- To offer up the meal-offering of the Omer on the morrow after the first day of Passover, together with one lamb
518 -- Not to eat bread made of new grain before the Omer of barley has been offered up on the second day of Passover
519 -- Not to eat roasted grain of the new produce before that time
520 -- Not to eat fresh ears of the new grain before that time
521 -- To bring on Shavuot loaves of bread together with the sacrifices which are then offered up in connection with the loaves
522 -- To offer up an additional sacrifice on Passover
523 -- That one who vows to Adonai the monetary value of a person shall pay the amount appointed in the Scriptural portion
524 -- If a animal is exchanged for one that had been set apart as an offering, both become sacred
525 -- Not to exchange a beast set aside for sacrifice
526 -- That one who vows to Adonai the monetary value of an unclean beast shall pay its value
527 -- That one who vows the value of his house shall pay according to the appraisal of the kohein
528 -- That one who sanctifies to Adonai a portion of his field shall pay according to the estimation appointed in the Scriptural portion
529 -- Not to transfer an animal set apart for sacrifice from one class of sacrifices to another
530 -- To decide in regard to dedicated property as to which is sacred to Adonai and which belongs to the kohein
531 -- Not to sell a field devoted to Adonai
532 -- Not to redeem a field devoted to Adonai
533 -- To make confession before Adonai of any sin that one has committed, when bringing a sacrifice and at other times
534 -- Not to put olive oil in the meal-offering of a woman suspected of adultery
535 -- Not to put frankincense on it
536 -- To offer up the regular sacrifices daily - two lambs as burnt offerings
537 -- To offer up an additional sacrifice every Shabbat - two lambs
538 -- To offer up an additional sacrifice every New Moon
539 -- To bring an additional offering on Shavuot
540 -- To offer up an additional sacrifice on Rosh Hashanah
541 -- To offer up an additional sacrifice on Yom Kippur
542 -- To offer up an additional sacrifice on Sukkot
543 -- To offer up an additional offering on Shemini Atzeret, which is a festival by itself
544 -- To bring all offerings, whether obligatory or freewill, on the first festival after these were incurred
545 -- Not to offer up sacrifices outside - the Sanctuary
546 -- To offer all sacrifices in the Sanctuary
547 -- To redeem cattle set apart for sacrifices that contracted disqualifying blemishes, after which they may be eaten by anyone.
548 -- Not to eat of the unblemished firstling outside Jerusalem
549 -- Not to eat the flesh of the burnt-offering. This is a Prohibition applying to every trespasser, not to enjoy any of the holy things. If he does so, he commits a trespass
550 -- That the kohanim shall not eat the flesh of the sin-offering or guilt-offering outside the Courtyard - of the Sanctuary
551 -- Not to eat of the flesh of the sacrifices that are holy in a minor degree, before the blood has been sprinkled - on the altar
552 -- That the kohein shall not eat the first-fruits before they are set down in the Courtyard - of the Sanctuary
553 -- To take trouble to bring sacrifices to the Sanctuary from places outside the land of Israel
554 -- Not to eat the flesh of beasts set apart as sacrifices, that have been rendered unfit to be offered up by deliberately inflicted blemish
555 -- Not to do work with cattle set apart for sacrifice
556 -- Not to shear beasts set apart for sacrifice
557 -- Not to leave any portion of the festival offering brought on the fourteenth of Nissan unto the third day
558 -- Not to offer up a beast that has a temporary blemish
559 -- Not to bring sacrifices out of the hire of a harlot or price of a dog - apparently a euphemism for sodomy
560 -- To read the portion prescribed on bringing the first fruits
459 -- To sanctify the firstling of clean cattle and offer it up
460 -- To slay the Paschal lamb
461 -- To eat the flesh of the Paschal sacrifice on the night of the fifteenth of Nissan
462 -- Not to eat the flesh of the Paschal lamb raw or sodden
463 -- Not to leave any portion of the flesh of the Paschal sacrifice until the morning unconsumed
464 -- Not to give the flesh of the Paschal lamb to an Israelite who had become an apostate
465 -- Not to give flesh of the Paschal lamb to a stranger who lives among you to eat
466 -- Not to take any of the flesh of the Paschal lamb from the company's place of assembly
467 -- Not to break a bone of the Paschal lamb
468 -- That the uncircumcised shall not eat of the flesh of the Paschal lamb
469 -- Not to slaughter the Paschal lamb while there is chametz in the home
470 -- Not to leave the part of the Paschal lamb that should be burnt on the altar until the morning, when it will no longer be fit to be burnt
471 -- Not to go up to the Sanctuary for the festival without bringing an offering
472 -- To bring the first fruits to the Sanctuary
473 -- That the flesh of a sin-offering and guilt-offering shall be eaten
474 -- That one not of the seed of Aaron, shall not eat the flesh of the holy sacrifices
475 -- To observe the procedure of the burnt-offering
476 -- To observe the procedure of the meal-offering
477 -- Not to offer up leaven or honey
478 -- That every sacrifice be salted
479 -- Not to offer up any offering unsalted
480 -- That the Court of Judgment shall offer up a sacrifice if they have erred in a judicial pronouncement
481 -- That an individual shall bring a sin-offering if he has sinned in error by committing a transgression, the conscious violation of which is punished with excision
482 -- To offer a sacrifice of varying value in accordance with one's means
483 -- Not to sever completely the head of a fowl brought as a sin-offering
484 -- Not to put olive oil in a sin-offering made of flour
485 -- Not to put frankincense on a sin-offering made of flour
486 -- That an individual shall bring an offering if he is in doubt as to whether he has committed a sin for which one has to bring a sin-offering. This is called a guilt-offering for doubtful sins
487 -- That the remainder of the meal offerings shall be eaten
488 -- Not to allow the remainder of the meal offerings to become leavened
489 -- That the High Kohein shall offer a meal offering daily
490 -- Not to eat of the meal offering brought by the kohanim
491 -- To observe the procedure of the sin-offering
492 -- Not to eat of the flesh of sin offerings, the blood of which is brought within the Sanctuary and sprinkled towards the Veil
493 -- To observe the procedure of the guilt-offering
494 -- To observe the procedure of the peace-offering
495 -- To burn meat of the holy sacrifice that has remained over
496 -- Not to eat of sacrifices that are eaten beyond the appointed time for eating them
497 -- Not to eat of holy things that have become unclean
498 -- To burn meat of the holy sacrifice that has become unclean
499 -- That a person who is unclean shall not eat of things that are holy
500 -- A kohein's daughter who profaned herself shall not eat of the holy things, neither of the heave offering nor of the breast, nor of the shoulder of peace offerings
501 -- That a woman after childbirth shall bring an offering when she is clean
502 -- That the leper shall bring a sacrifice after he is cleansed
503 -- That a man having an issue shall bring a sacrifice after he is cleansed of his issue
504 -- That a woman having an issue shall bring a sacrifice after she is cleansed of her issue
505 -- To observe on Yom Kippur, the service appointed for that day, regarding the sacrifice, confessions, sending away of the scapegoat, etc.
506 -- Not to slaughter animals set apart for sacrifices outside - the Sanctuary
507 -- Not to eat flesh of a sacrifice that has been left over beyond the time appointed for its consumption
508 -- Not to sanctify blemished cattle for sacrifice on the altar
509 -- That every animal offered up shall be without blemish
510 -- Not to inflict a blemish on cattle set apart for sacrifice
511 -- Not to slaughter blemished cattle as sacrifices
512 -- Not to burn the limbs of blemished cattle upon the altar
513 -- Not to sprinkle the blood of blemished cattle upon the altar
514 -- Not to offer up a blemished animals that comes from non-Israelites