And he said, “Go, and say to this people: “‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.”
Isaiah 6:9-10 #yeshayahu
God said that he deliberately blinded and deafened the people of Israel to his #torah. Like Pharaoh, they had already rejected God and earned their punishment. This was a matter of timing and lessons to be learned. Fortunately, he also promised to open their eyes again and restore them.
What are some good ways to start acquiring and saving some real money?
Here are a couple ideas, please add yours in the comments:
- buy 'junk silver' at a local coin shop or antique/junk store... easy way to pay cash and have no trace. 'Junk silver' is typically considered to be dimes, quarters, and half dollars that are 1964 or older and too worn to be of numismatic value.
- hunt yard/garage sales for sterling (NOT PLATED) items. Once in a while you'll stumble on a valuable piece as a bargain price. You may find belt buckles, candy dishes, coins, jewelry, etc..
- always know about what the 'spot price' is. Go to or similar to have an idea.
- Consider buying a set of old sterling forks to use in your daily meals. Double win! Silver in your 'stash' while having health benefit of true silverware.
- Start with small denomination stuff. No need for big rounds or bars if you can't 'make change.' In a grid down event, you must have and be able to use small denominations. Dimes, quarters...
- Budget a little each month to this area of your preps until you have a little nest egg.
- Pop into pawnshops and see what's under the counter. Don't over pay, but a little here, a little there adds up.
This was another idea I had Sabbath before last. The Torah portion was on the first Exodus in Exodus 12 and it talked of the Israelites plundering the Egyptians which they were commanded to in Exodus 3. The items then were silver, gold and clothing. My thought/comment during this Torah Portion was: "During the 2nd Exodus, what are we going to ask for? TVs and iPhones?"
No one seems to have anything like gold and silver anymore. I doubt I could ask a neighbor for that and them actually having anything. Maybe it is just me and some of the people have talked to about this?
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