#Shabbat shalom, everyone! We're stuck at home again in KC because of weather. Join us at 1pm Central for a Messianic service. We're studying Luke 13 this week. The zoom link is on our home page https://www.thewordandtheway.net/
#Shabbat shalom, everyone! We're stuck at home again in KC because of weather. Join us at 1pm Central for a Messianic service. We're studying Luke 13 this week. The zoom link is on our home page https://www.thewordandtheway.net/
Sabbath is almost here SET APART family & friends!
Check out my store after the Sabbath...
Sabbath is almost here SET APART family & friends!
Check out my store after the Sabbath...
And Moses said to Aaron, “Take a jar, and put an omer of manna in it, and place it before YHWH to be kept throughout your generations.”
Exodus 16:33 #beshalach
The manna gathered by the people perished after a day, while the manna gathered by Aaron lasted forever. This is a picture of man's doctrines and traditions--even those based on Scripture--opposed to God's. Man's efforts at understanding God's will are always flawed and become corrupted with time, but that isn't a reflection of God's actual words, which are eternal and incorruptible.
New from 119 Ministries! We continue our verse-by-verse study through 1 Peter. Peter tells his readers to live honorably among the Gentiles. Then, he goes on to explain what that means, specifically in the relationship between believers and civic authorities, between servants and masters, and between wives and husbands.
And YHWH said to Moses, "How long will you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws?"
#exodus 16:28 #bshalach
At this point, the only explicit commandments that Moses had received concerned circumcision and the Sabbath as the Hebrews hadn't reached Sinai yet. God's rebuke in this verse sounds like he has a much wider context in mind than just those two commandments, though.
I am convinced that all of God's Law has always existed because they are a reflection of his character, which never changes. It applies to all people in all ages. It is the standard of God's ideal by which every single person except #yeshua has fallen short. The commandments given in the wilderness are only a codified expression of God's true Law, which is probably not fully expressible in human terms.