82 -- Not to indulge in familiarities with relatives, such as kissing, embracing, winking, skipping or anything else which may lead to incest
83 -- Not to commit incest with your mother
84 -- Not to commit sodomy with your father
85 -- Not to commit incest with your step mother
86 -- Not to commit incest with your sister
87 -- Not to commit incest with your step mother’s daughter
88 -- Not to commit incest with your son’s daughter
89 -- Not to commit incest with your daughter’s daughter
90 -- Not to commit incest with your daughter
91 -- Not to commit incest with your father’s sister
92 -- Not to commit incest with your mother’s sister
93 -- Not to commit incest with your uncle’s wife
94 -- Not to commit sodomy with your uncle
95 -- Not to commit incest with your son’s wife
96 -- Not to commit incest with your brother’s wife
97 -- Not to commit incest with a step-daughter
98 -- Not to commit incest with your Son’s step-daughter
99 -- Not to commit incest with your daughter’s step daughter
100 -- Not to commit incest with your wife’s sister
101 -- Not to have intercourse with a woman in her menstrual period
102 -- Not to have intercourse with another man’s wife
103 -- Not to commit sodomy with a male
104 -- Not to have intercourse with an animal
105 -- That a woman shall have no intercourse with an animal
106 -- Not to castrate the male of any species; neither man, a domestic or wild animal or any fowl
107 -- That a new month shall be solemnly proclaimed holy and the months and years shall be calculated by the Supreme Court only
108 -- Not to travel on Shabbat outside the limit of your place of residence
109 -- To sanctify Shabbat
110 -- Not to do any work on Shabbat
111 -- To rest on Shabbat
112 -- To celebrate the festivals - Passover; Shavuot; and Sukkot
113 -- To rejoice on the festivals
114 -- To appear in the sanctuary on the festivals
115 -- To remove chametz on the eve of Passover
116 -- To rest on the first day of Passover
117 -- Not to do any work on the first day of Passover
118 -- To rest on the seventh day of Passover
119 -- Not to do work on the seventh day of Passover
120 -- To eat matzah on the first night of Passover
121 -- That no chametz be in the believer’s possession during Passover
122 -- Not to eat any food containing chametz on Passover
123 -- Not to eat chametz on Passover
124 -- That no chametz shall be seen in the believer’s house during Passover
125 -- To discuss the departure from Egypt on the first night of Passover
126 -- Not to eat chametz after mid-day on the fourteenth of Nissan
127 -- To count forty nine days from the time of the cutting of the Omer - first sheaves of the barley harvest
128 -- To rest on Shavuot
129 -- Not to do any work on Shavuot
130 -- To rest on Rosh Hashanah
131 -- Not to do any work on Rosh Hashanah
132 -- To hear the sound of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah
133 -- To fast on Yom Kippur
134 -- Not to eat or drink on Yom Kippur
135 -- Not to do any work on Yom Kippur
136 -- To rest on Yom Kippur
137 -- To rest on the first day of Sukkot
138 -- Not to do any work on the first day of Sukkot
139 -- To rest on the eighth day of Sukkot - Shemini Atzeret
140 -- Not to do any work on the eighth day of Sukkot -- Shemini Atzeret
141 -- To take during Sukkot a palm branch and the other three plants
142 -- To dwell in booths seven days during Sukkot
In #exodus 16:25-26 the manna didn't come on #sabbath for anybody, whether native or non-native. The Sabbath applied to everyone equally. The Sabbath is also discussed in this passage as a known thing. Moses didn't have to explain to anyone what the Sabbath was, so we can know that the Hebrews knew about it before the Exodus and Sinai. Shabbat is for everyone, not just the Hebrews and not just those to whom the Law was given at Sinai.
Plan now to join us for worship! We meet each Saturday at 10:45 AM CST in Coon Rapids, MN or online at 11 AM CST. YouTube link is in the comments.
This has been an amazing series!! This week Pastor Daniel will present Anna the Prophetess.
#shabbat #shalom #shabbatshalom #cornerfringeministries #worship #torah #messianic #shofar #lambofgod #jesus #obedience #salvation #womenofthebible #repentance #christian #dayofrest
"And is was the preparation day, and the Sabbath was about to begin." Luke 23:54
#prepday #preparationday #shabbat #dayofrest #challah #hebrew #christian #restinhim #seekhim #scripture #sabbath #wwjd #torah #torahobservant #cornerfringeministries
Link -
The wife should be considered by her husband to be the most valued source of advice and information. However, there's more to the story in the marriage dynamic when things don't go as expected and personalities clash. Rabbi Steve Berkson elaborates on this topic of husbands and wives.
Link to the teaching, Evil part 1
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On this date in history, 01/14/1639: The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut are adopted as the constitution of the #connecticut Colony. #otd #tdih
I don't usually do commentary on Portion comics, but this one sticks out to me. I have had several people in my church walk use this story to support the thought that women are not supposed to be in any kind of leadership over men. They say that Deborah was chosen because no man was willing to do the job and point to Barak's "hesitance" to go out to battle without Deborah as showing the men were weak at this time.
However, nothing else in this story supports that thought. In fact, if you didn't come into with a mindset of "women shouldn't be leaders" then when you read Barak's statement, he isn't hesitating, he is actually being obedient. We have accounts before this where the Israelites went out to battle and God didn't say "go" and they paid the price for it. Barak is making sure this was in fact the order.
THEN, after the battle is over, Deborah AND Barak sing a song to praise God and their accomplishments. Both Deborah and Barak's actions are praised in the song. Then Israel had peace for 40 years. If Deborah wasn't supposed to be judging and it should have been a man, God would have done some sort of correction during that time. Peace wouldn't have happened as they would have been disobedient.
#shabbat #shabbatshalom #bible #bibleverse #torahobservant #christian #messianic #messianicjudiasm #hebrewroots #webcomic #webcomicseries #cartoon