Q23: Elijah's servant saw a little cloud arise out of the sea. What size was the cloud?
Believe that YHVH is good and wants to help you, affirm that you are now in the process of receiving His goodness. The flow of blessing is constant and is happening to you now. Affirmation is a powerful factor in effective prayer.
Arrange for selected moments when you can become quiet mentally, relaxed physically and receptive spiritually. Practice deep listening, reaching for contact with YHVH. This form of prayer requires no words; simply listen until you hear inwardly.
When you pray in little snatches, you are praying fractional prayers. In the form of brief prayer while waiting for a bus or for the outcome of a conversation about to take place, fractional prayers add up to an enhanced prayer attitude.
Talk to Elohim using everyday language. The simpler your words, the easier it will be for you to express your thoughts. Talk to YHVH sincerely in your own natural language. He understands.
Deeply believe that you can send out a spiritual force that will surround your loved ones with protective and positive influences. Prayer is the transmitting carrier of affirmative faith.
The number one blockade of spiritual power is resentment. To overcome it, pray for people you do not like or have mistreated you. Love always dissolves resentment.
7 -- LIST
Have a definite number of people for whom you pray daily. Pray by name for everyone on your prayer list. You will help them by your prayers and the by-product will be additional blessings for you.
Practice surrendering everything into YHVH’s hands, believing that He will help and guide you. Prayerfully try to do your best about things and then confidently, leave the results to YHVH.
Conceive of prayer as a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. Not asking for anything, but simply wanting to be with Him in a loving relationship, is perhaps the ultimate value in prayerfulness. It is the establishment of an in-depth relationship between the individual and YHVH.
10 -- MIND
Prayer may be defined as a methodology by which we may contact the Divine mind. Then the knowledge and wisdom of YHVH can flow unhindered into our human mind. Thus, we are on an operational level with the power, wisdom and goodness of the Heavenly Father.
There's a #chiasm in #exodus 15:23 and another one 2 verses down in v25-26.
Exodus 15:23
- A - Came to Marah
-- B - Could not drink the water
---- C - Marah
-- B - Because it was bitter
- A - Named it Marah
Exodus 15:25-26
- A - V25 – Log heals the water
-- B - Water made sweet
---- C - Obey God's statues and rules
------ D - V26 – Listen to God and do what's right
---- C - Obey God's commandments and statutes
-- B - No diseases
- A - A healer sent
I -completely- rehauled part 3 of my testimony! Thank you for your patience as I continue to get these written <3
Believe that YHVH is good and wants to help you, affirm that you are now in the process of receiving His goodness. The flow of blessing is constant and is happening to you now. Affirmation is a powerful factor in effective prayer.
Arrange for selected moments when you can become quiet mentally, relaxed physically and receptive spiritually. Practice deep listening, reaching for contact with YHVH. This form of prayer requires no words; simply listen until you hear inwardly.
When you pray in little snatches, you are praying fractional prayers. In the form of brief prayer while waiting for a bus or for the outcome of a conversation about to take place, fractional prayers add up to an enhanced prayer attitude.
Talk to Elohim using everyday language. The simpler your words, the easier it will be for you to express your thoughts. Talk to YHVH sincerely in your own natural language. He understands.
Deeply believe that you can send out a spiritual force that will surround your loved ones with protective and positive influences. Prayer is the transmitting carrier of affirmative faith.
The number one blockade of spiritual power is resentment. To overcome it, pray for people you do not like or have mistreated you. Love always dissolves resentment.
7 -- LIST
Have a definite number of people for whom you pray daily. Pray by name for everyone on your prayer list. You will help them by your prayers and the by-product will be additional blessings for you.
Practice surrendering everything into YHVH’s hands, believing that He will help and guide you. Prayerfully try to do your best about things and then confidently, leave the results to YHVH.
Conceive of prayer as a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. Not asking for anything, but simply wanting to be with Him in a loving relationship, is perhaps the ultimate value in prayerfulness. It is the establishment of an in-depth relationship between the individual and YHVH.
10 -- MIND
Prayer may be defined as a methodology by which we may contact the Divine mind. Then the knowledge and wisdom of YHVH can flow unhindered into our human mind. Thus, we are on an operational level with the power, wisdom and goodness of the Heavenly Father.
Check out this a #parallelism in #exodus 15:22-16:4...
- A - 15:22 – Set out from the Red Sea
-- B - To the wilderness of Shur, 3 days
---- C - 15:24 – No water
------ D - People grumbled about no water
-------- E - 15:25 – Solution sent from God
---------- F - A test of obedience
- A - 16:1 – Set out from Elim
-- B - To the wilderness of Sin, 15th day of 2nd month
---- C - Departed the land
------ D - 16:2-3 – People grumbled about no food
-------- E - 16:4 – Solution sent from God
---------- F - A test of obedience
#biblepatterns #bshalach
What are you a slave to?
#obedience #righteousness #romans #cornerfringeministries #yeshua #scripture #bible #torah #torahobservant #walkinhisways #seekhim #wwjd #blessing #redeemer #salvation
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