The sad reality is that someone, somewhere must have been sued because someone, somewhere ate the plastic package. Thus someone, somewhere felt the need for the tiny warning on the plastic packet. ?
I just read this on a packet of turkey pepperoni; "DO NOT EAT PACKET". I was shocked... it was written in tiny letters! I could have missed that warning and gobbled up the plastic package! #humor
Nature and government both abhor a vacuum, and where no man will lead, a woman will. It's not wrong for a woman to be in charge when there are no qualified and willing men. When men refuse to do their job, thank God for women who step into the gap!
The Song of Deborah (Judges 5:1-31) is a difficult passage for translators because the vocabulary & structure is unusual.
Hope you will join us. This series on the Women of the Bible has been outstanding!
6 -- Matthew 9:37-38 -- Then He said to His disciples; The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask Adonai of the harvest therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. -- That Elohim would release holy and anointed labourers into the harvest to minister to congregations and to win the lost.
7 -- 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 -- Finally brothers, pray for us that the message of Elohim may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith. But YHVH is faithful and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. We have confidence in YHVH that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May YHVH direct your hearts into His Love and Moshiach's perseverance. -- That the Word of YHVH may spread rapidly and be magnified through signs and wonders and that YHVH would grant the release of the full conviction of Ruach on the Word. -- 1 Thessalonians 1:5, John 16:8, Acts 19:20. That we may be delivered from perverse and evil men as YHVH's anointing rests upon us. That Elohim would strengthen and protect us from the evil one and that He would direct our hearts in to the knowledge of the Father's Love for us and that He direct our hearts into His Love for Yeshua and for all the believers and into the patience, perseverance and steadfastness that Yeshua had under trials and temptations. -- Romans 5:5; John. 17:26; Galatians 1:11.
8 -- 1 Thessalonians 3:10-13 -- Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith. Now may our Elohim and Father Himself and our Adonai Yeshua clear the way for us to come to you. May YHVH make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our Elohim and Father when our Adonai Yeshua comes with all His holy ones. -- That YHVH would release ministry that would complete what is lacking in any area of church life and that YHVH may cause the church to increase and abound in love and compassion for one another and for the lost, so that YHVH may establish the believers with hearts blameless in holiness.
9 -- Philippians 1:9-11 -- And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Moshiach, filled with the Fruit of Righteousness that comes through Yeshua Moshiach - to the Glory and Praise of YHVH. -- That the believers deep love for Yeshua and for one another would abound more and more and that this love would be expressed with true spiritual knowledge and discernment, so that we might be able to clearly discern what YHVH calls excellent so that our lives might be sincere and blameless in YHVH's sight until the end. That our lives might be filled with the Fruit of Righteousness, which comes through experiencing the presence of Yeshua in our hearts.
10 -- Hebrews 13:20-21 -- May the Elohim of Peace, Who through the Blood of the eternal Covenant brought back from the dead our Adonai Yeshua, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His Will and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Yeshua Moshiach, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. -- That YHVH might fully anoint and equip us in every good work and ministry, to completely do His will in this area and then in our outreach to the nations. That YHVH would supernaturally work in us that which is pleasing in His sight for the church in this area.
Romans 15:13; Romans 16:20; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5; 2 Corinthians. 13:9; Ephesians 6:19-20; Philippians. 4:7; Colossians 4:3-4; Colossians 4:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 Thessalonians 1:11; 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17; 1 Peter 5:10; 2 Peter 1:2; The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:13; Luke 22:31-32; John 17:1-26 -- esp. vs. 11, 13,15,17,21-26.
Romans 10:1; 11: 26, 27; Jeremiah 31:7; Isaiah 62: 1, 2, 6, 7; Psalms 79; Psalms 80; 83; 85;
86; 122: 6-7
For the word to increase -- 2 Thessalonians 3: 1, 2; Acts 13: 12, 48; 19:20.
For a door to open for the Gospel -- Colossians 4: 3, 4.
For salvation of sinners -- Romans 10:1
Labourers anointed with power and conviction -- Matthew 9: 37 38.
Exhortations to pray for others -- Philippians 1:19, 2 Corinthians. 1:11; 1, Thessalonians 5:25; Hebrews 13: 18; Ephesians 6: 18.
Protection -- Romans 15:31; 2 Thessalonians 3:2; Philemon 22; Acts 12:5,12.
Anointing -- Colossians 4:3 -- Door of Power.
Delivered from temptations & evil -- Matthew 6:31; Luke 22: 31,32; 2 Corinthians 13: 7.
Personal needs -- Philippians 4: 7, 19.
Boldness -- Ephesians 6: 19.
Wisdom -- Colossians 4: 3, 12.
1 Timothy 2:1-3
i -- They are YHVH's prayers. These are the prayers that we can count on. The prayers of Yeshua and the apostles -- specifically Paul and John in the book of Revelation.
ii -- The victorious church theology is strongly developed in the Biblical prayers. YHVH put these prayers into the hearts of His servants to pray because He plans to answer them. -- That the church might be filled with the fullness of YHVH -- Ephesians 3. Living in the atmosphere of those prayers will leave you with an unshakable conviction of a victorious church. The theology of the victorious church is in itself lodged in the prayers that burn in YHVH's heart.
iii -- The prayers contained in the Bible are a launching pad for more. Then the Spirit can take us anywhere He wants to take us. Ruach HaKodesh is not limited to any model. This is the foundation that we launch from. When we launch from the Word then all kinds of Ruach Kodesh activity comes with the safety net of the Word under us.
iv -- Almost every single prayer of the New Testament is for the church:
a -- The only prayer recorded in the New Testament for the lost is for Israel – Romans 10.
b -- The reason Asia was touched in Paul's day is because there was an anointed church in Ephesus. Elohim's strategy is to labour for the anointing of Ruach HaKodesh to be released on the church. An anointed church brings in the great harvest in power and in unity.
c -- When we pray for the church we love the church. The tendency for an adversarial attitude towards the church is overcome by praying for it.
d -- Elohim cause us to pray for the church to be anointed. In the process we fall in love with the church and with the harvest that we pray in.
e -- We cannot keep a wrong spirit towards the church that we continually pray for.
F -- Those prayers burn in YHVH's heart. They are guaranteed. They are already signed. They are just waiting for a co-signer on the earth. They are guaranteed. They are human friendly. They are designed for the way the human soul works. Even if we may not be conscious of it, human life is arranged around routines and patterns!
G -- The biblical prayers do not represent the totality of Ruach HaKodesh's prayer ministry. This model is not the limitation, but it is the starting point. From there we can launch out into all of the creativity of Ruach HaKodesh as He leads us in different settings and in different ways.
H -- We were made for these prayers and these prayers were designed for the human spirit. These prayers have great longevity in them. They will not wear out by using them.
Summary: The prayers in the New Testament are not a limitation. They are not prohibitive of other prayer models. It is the launching pad and the safety net. It is a safe place. YHVH is the Ultimate Psychologist. He knows the human heart like nobody. The biblical prayers are -- human friendly. YHVH designed these prayers for weak and broken people to soar in YHVH and to enjoy unity with each other.
1 -- Ephesians 1:16-19 -- I keep asking that YHVH of our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints and His incomparably great power for us who believe. -- That YHVH may give us a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Yeshua. That the eyes of our heart may be enlightened, so that we may experience the fullness of YHVH's calling and might, understand the fullness of the glory of the Father's inheritance in the entire church in our area. And that we might experience the surpassing greatness of YHVH's power in our lives and ministries.
2 -- Ephesians.3:16-19 -- I pray that out of His Glorious Riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Moshiach may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Moshiach and to know this love that surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of YHVH. -- That YHVH would strengthen each believer in the church throughout this area with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that the fullness of Yeshua may be expressed in our hearts and lives as we are rooted and ground in love for YHVH and for one another. That each believer may be able to fully comprehend what is the breadth and length and height and depth of Yeshua’s Love for them and Yeshua's Love for His Father so that we might experience the fullness of YHVH's Spirit working in and through our lives and through each congregation in this area.
3 -- Colossians 1:9-11 -- For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking YHVH to fill you with the knowledge of His Will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of Elohim and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of YHVH, being strengthened with all power according to His Glorious Might so that you may have great endurance and patience -- That each congregation and each believer might be filled with the knowledge of YHVH's will in each specific area of our lives and ministries and that YHVH would add spiritual wisdom and understanding to this knowledge so that we might fully please Elohim and bear good fruit in our ministries.
4 -- Philippians 4:19-20 -- And my YHVH will meet all your needs according to His Glorious Riches in Yeshua Moshiach. To our Elohim and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. -- That YHVH the Father would supply all the needs of the church according to His Riches in Glory and that the Grace of Adonai Yeshua might be powerfully manifest in the human spirit -- inner man -- of each believer.
5 -- Romans 15:5-6 -- May YHVH Who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Yeshua Moshiach, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify YHVH and Father of our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach. -- That YHVH may supernaturally grant the saints and the congregations of Elohim in this area the ability to be of one mind and one purpose with each other, that with one accord and one voice we may glorify YHVH in the church in this area. -- 1 Corinthians 1:10-12; Philippians. 1:27; Philippians. 2:1-3; John. 17:21-22
Worship declarations of adoration and thanksgiving, etc. to YHVH. Devotional prayer focus on asking for spiritual growth and communion with YHVH and worship. This involves meditation on YHVH's Word, that turns His Word into conversation with Yeshua.
Asking for circumstances in our life to change.
Asking YHVH to release His blessing to touch others. This blessing includes spiritual and natural blessing. YHVH has ordained intercessory prayer as the means of releasing His sovereignty ordained blessing into a
local area and into the individual lives of people. There are two different aspects of intercessory prayer:
A -- Intercessory prayer for a city or a group of people: i.e. a city, a church, etc. -- 1 Thessalonians 3:10; Isaiah 62
B -- Intercessory prayer for individuals: To pray for their salvation, healing, release of anointing or other personal needs, etc.: -- 2 Corinthians 1:11; Ephesians 6: 19; Philippians 1:19.
Ephesians 6:18 entreats us to pray -- with all kinds of prayers. This is just another type of prayer, but is ancient in origin. This is simply praying the written prayers of the Bible. Adonai’s Prayer was given to us by Yeshua as a framework for prayer, not as a chant to be recited. It is a more objective form of prayer, rather than adding our own stuff to prayer. It is praying in YHVH’s will as they are Elohim-breathed prayers and so originated with YHVH Himself. Isaiah 55:10-13; YHVH’s Word accomplishes things. This type of prayer has a positive focus, which makes it ideal for 24-hour worship and prayer as it provides a focus. We cannot travail for sustained periods of time. 24-hour worship is a Marathon, not a sprint. We will burn out if we try to go at a fast pace all the time.
A -- Speak directly to YHVH - be more conscious that He is watching and listening than that others are watching and listening. This draws the hearts of those assembled to Elohim rather than to you.
B -- Read specific Scriptures referring to the intervention of YHVH in the affairs of men and nations and translate them into urgent, passionate and heartfelt requests.
C -- Lift specific promises of Scripture up to YHVH and ask for their fulfilment in our present-day context.
D -- Pray the biblical prayers of the New Testament and apply them to our geographic region and our generation.
E -- Pray for specific aspects and arenas of ministry familiar to most people to be blessed with YHVH's Presence and Power - ask for an immediate increase of Ruach HaKodesh's gifts, fruit and wisdom
F -- Ask for a revival spirit to come upon our fellowship – in this case TTN --, our city, our nation and other nations
G -- As a general rule, concentrate on our immediate geographic area and fellowship, for we are providentially called to be -- watchmen on the walls -- of the place in which YHVH has chosen for us to reside.
i -- Select a biblical prayer (see the list below for examples).
ii -- Read it out.
iii -- Highlight a key phrase within it.
iv -- Use that as the focus for prayer.
v -- You may even sing it if you wish!
a --Praying for things that involve too many details, personal concerns, teaching content and issues that are not shared burdens of the group.
b -- Informing YHVH of the details of specific situations and circumstances.
c -- Informing other people concerning details of things that need to be changed, doctrinal insights, prescriptions of what you believe is needed.
d -- Devotional prayers that focus on your personal spiritual needs and longings.
e -- Requests for people and situations that others are not aware of and therefore may find it difficult to agree with you in prayer.
f -- Praying in such a manner that gives the feeling that you are teaching and / or exhorting others
Say no to the sinful nature. Seek His will in all you do and walk in the Spirit.
#seekhim #worksoftheflesh #holyspirit #ruach #ruachhakodesh #yahweh #judeochristian #torah #torahobservant #obedience #cornerfringeministries #spiritofgod #jesus #scripture #truth
We all struggle with emotional triggers... The challenge for all of us is to catch ourselves before we react!!
Teachings to work through:
Afterburn | Thoughts, Q&A on Love and Torah | Part 38
Developing the Character of Yeshua
What are you thinking?
Making decisions... The reason you exist
#midweekmotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #clevelandtn #mtoiworldwide #loveandtorah
Shannon Wood
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