598 -- That those engaged in warfare shall not fear their enemies nor be panic-stricken by them during battle
599 -- To anoint a special kohein (to speak to the soldiers) in a war
600 -- In a permissive war (as distinguished from obligatory ones), to observe the procedure prescribed in the Torah
601 -- Not to keep alive any individual of the seven Canaanite nations
602 -- To exterminate the seven Canaanite nations from the land of Israel
603 -- Not to destroy fruit trees -- wantonly or in warfare
604 -- To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah
605 -- Not to sell a beautiful woman, - taken captive in war
606 -- Not to degrade a beautiful woman - taken captive in war) to the condition of a bondwoman
607 -- Not to offer peace to the Ammonites and the Moabites before waging war on them, as should be done to other nations
608 -- That anyone who is unclean shall not enter the Camp of the Levites
609 -- To have a place outside the camp for sanitary purposes
610 -- To keep that place sanitary
611 -- Always to remember what Amalek did
612 -- That the evil done to us by Amalek shall not be forgotten
613 -- To destroy the seed of Amalek
561 -- That eight species of creeping things defile by contact
562 -- That foods become defiled by contact with unclean things
563 -- That anyone who touches the carcass of a beast that died of itself shall be unclean
564 -- That a lying-in woman is unclean like a menstruating woman - in terms of uncleanness
565 -- That a leper is unclean and defiles
566 -- That the leper shall be universally recognized as such by the prescribed marks. So too, all other unclean persons should declare themselves as such
567 -- That a leprous garment is unclean and defiles
568 -- That a leprous house defiles
569 -- That a man, having a running issue, defiles
570 -- That the seed of copulation defiles
571 -- That purification from all kinds of defilement shall be effected by immersion in the waters of a mikveh
572 -- That a menstruating woman is unclean and defiles others
573 -- That a woman, having a running issue, defiles
574 -- To carry out the ordinance of the Red Heifer so that its ashes will always be available
575 -- That a corpse defiles
576 -- That the waters of separation defile one who is clean and cleanse the unclean from pollution by a dead body
577 -- Not to drove off the hair of the scull
578 -- That the procedure of cleansing leprosy, whether of a man or of a house, takes place with cedar-wood, hyssop, scarlet thread, two birds and running water
579 -- That the leper shall shave all his hair
580 -- Not to pluck out the marks of leprosy
581 -- Not to curse a ruler, that is, the King or the head of the College in the land of Israel
582 -- To appoint a king
583 -- Not to appoint as ruler over Israel, one who comes from non-Israelites
584 -- That the King shall not acquire an excessive number of horses
585 -- That the King shall not take an excessive number of wives
586 -- That he shall not accumulate an excessive quantity of gold and silver
587 -- That the King shall write a scroll of the Torah for himself, in addition to the one that every person should write, so that he writes two scrolls
588 -- That a Nazarene shall not drink wine or anything mixed with wine which tastes like wine and even if the wine or the mixture has turned sour, it is prohibited to him
589 -- That he shall not eat fresh grapes
590 -- That he shall not eat dried grapes – raisins
591 -- That he shall not eat the kernels of the grapes
592 -- That he shall not eat of the skins of the grapes
593 -- That the Nazarene shall permit his hair to grow
594 -- That the Nazarene shall not cut his hair
595 -- That he shall not enter any covered structure where there is a dead body
596 -- That a Nazarene shall not defile himself for any dead person - by being in the presence of the corpse
597 -- That the Nazarene shall shave his hair when he brings his offerings at the completion of the period of his Nazarene-ship or within that period if he has become defiled
WOW!! TTN is growing! 2119!!! Praise Yah!!!
Great Job Rhy Bezuidenhout !
Im gonna go out on a limb here and see what the response will be.
I have been walking in the truth of Yah's instructions for 6yrs roughly. Before this I was a serious Charismatic Christian. I have seen and been through all kinds of Dogmatic, legalistic, obsessive, but everso sincere people making there life a life God would be indorsing. After coming over to the full truth, the journey has been special and healing. I myself have functioned as a comelian kinda but not really like Paul. I can wear many different clothes to fit in and enjoy them all. I can sit with any group and for the most part fit right in. Anyway, with each pit stop I learn and grow as we do. I am at a place now again where I am seeing similarities in human behavior that arent bad but at times, feels just to me, sad. Reaching out for fellowship but get a verse and I'll pray for you doesnt seem like a relasionship to me. I know most of us are 1000's of miles apart and what can we really do, except post endlessly scriptures and mems to show we are alive and interested. but still no real relasionship. i don't want to watch another bible study another snipit of revelation of something that will make me more wise or more aware. Non of these things for me fills my heart with friends that if trust and friends that I want to grow with and be close with. We still arent personal, just acting like a library of how to get smarter but walk away feeling still alone. I know this all sounds very neg. and for many of you non of this is relevent. I just thought I'd put it out there that I want relasionship not the usual religous expressions we give out. wow , i have never said anything like this online ever. But there you have it.