We will be streaming on YouTube Live. Click here Sabbath morning. It will start sometime between 10: 00 and 10:20
We will continue with the Book of Isaiah. Please read chapters 9-10.
Torah Readings
Torah: vayishlach (and he sent) Genesis 32:3-36:43
Haftarah: Obadiah 1-21
New Testament: Hebrews 11:11-20
Sabbath begins Friday at 4:49pm (Sundown in Redding) and ends Saturday at 4:48pm.
Baruch atta Yehovah Eloheinu, Melekh ha'Olam
You are awesome and wonderful
great and powerful
loving, forgiving, healing and beautiful
Thank You for making today
and for sharing it with us
Thank You for providing what we need
and more than we could imagine to ask for
Thank You for being with us all the time
We love You!
We have enough people that are in the world and in darkness that are ready and willing to tear us down. Let us therefore edify one another and do so in love, for what good is the body of Messiah if we're being distracted by tearing each other down also. Let us build each other up. One day, when all those that are called and chosen get to come home, we will all be taught what is rightous.