When I pray I tell the LORD if my prayers don't match the will for my life given to me by THE LORD, then just void out that prayer. So, when people ask me do you ever have prayers that the LORD hasn't answered. I say, "I hope so!"
I give the LORD complete power for I know that all things work for the good for those who LOVE the LORD and are CALLED to HIS purpose and all of that is ME!
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely YHVH is in this place, and I did not know it.”
#genesis 28:16 #vayetsei
The land of #israel is the center of the world and the center of God's interaction with the world. Abraham could not have established his posterity in Ur nor Jacob in Egypt. God's people belong in the land of Israel.
Abraham's, Isaac's, and Jacob's encounters with God are like narrowing concentric circles. Abraham met God on a mountain. Isaac prayed and meditated in a field. Jacob encountered God at a house. (Beth-El means "house of God".)