Hey, friends, I had a dream in which a bunch of families were all living in this one big house together, but they were feeding their children complete junk food. No one was doing any work in the kitchen at all, so everything was gross, and inside the fridge was a lot of sugary snacks, all pre-packaged, and breakfast cereal (the "chocolate covered sugar bombs" kind). There was milk and paper bowls and spoons, and the garbage was overflowing, and there was spilled milk and cereal all over the floor and inside the fridge too. Other than the fridge light, there were no lights on in the kitchen, so it was dark in there. I believe Yah was telling me to feed the children, or to help the moms learn how to feed the children, but I remember feeling that the job was overwhelming and that the kids would probably prefer the junk food to nutritious food. Thoughts on this dream? What kinds of "junk food" are children being fed in their school work, in their daily lives at home, on TV, on websites? How would this mess ever get cleaned up? How could someone like me help the moms clean up the mess and get their children used to good food, especially if they didn't know anything other than junk themselves? The job seems overwhelming. Do moms feel that way, too?
A couple of nights ago as usual I was half asleep listening to Bible studies and something caught my ear and made my mind race. I've gone back and listened to all of the the show's trying to find it again and can't, so maybe I dreamt it, but none the less it has had me thinking and studying. I wish I had more time to go more in depth, but I feel I need to share now.
We know that the Advisory comes to steel, kill and destroy and he mostly does this by deceptive lies that just slightly twist or counterfeits what God says and so that it looks good. Because in it is much easier to deceive people that way, and we know he will have all kinds of signs and wonders that can deceive even the very elect. This is why we are admonished to study, know , love, and obey the truth 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
So, the topic I feel we need look more closely at is found in Daniel 7:25 mostly the middle part where it says he shall think to change times and laws. You can do your own word study. But time here can mean a set time, time or season. Another related hebrew word for season is moedim. In the Genisis chapter 1 we are told that God put the sun, moon and stars in the sky to tell day, night, seasons and years. Then through the Bible the same word is used for Gods feast days or appointed times. And if you study hard enough you will find that many of the most important events throughout the Bible including the Birth, Death, and Resurrection of our Messiah occurred on God's appointed times that he obviously knew from the beginning. And we see in Zechariah chapter 14 that after his return that the nations will be required to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles.
So, it would seem that the moedim are pretty important, and that is a prime target for the Advisory and as already mentioned it would seem that Daniel chapter 7 directly tells us this is the case. A short history study will prove that indeed he has already done a lot of work in this area. He has moved or counterfeited The three spring feast of Passover, Unleavened Bread and First fruits and mixed it with the pagan practices of Easter. And the 3 fall feast Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles that was the truth time of Messiah's birth and overlooked and has been mixed in with the pagan celebration of Chrstmas. We end up losing so much truth and understanding because we have been deceived into mixing in pagan practices with the worship of God, and may I remind you that Deuteronomy chapter 18 as well as many other passages we are warned not to worship God in the same ways the heathen nations worshiped their gods. And God does not change !!! And this whole modern day mess of his worship being mixed with that of pagan gods have lead many to be lukewarm believers that don't think these seemingly fun and innocent celebrations are a problem while out right ignoring the word of God or worse completely deny God all together because it seems to them that the God of the Bible is just a repackaged version of all the other pagan religions. Well it would not seem that way if we hadn't done what we we're not supposed to do. Galatians chapter 3 :1 who has bewitched you to not obey the truth!
Also, another important part of all of this is you may not think you are worshipping some false god or doing anything sinful. But remember the first 3 commandments, they are all about how to worship God and not have any other gods before him or bring them in front of him. You see it doesn't matter what you feel or think it's about what he and the Advisory perceive. You see we have lost our connection to the fact that their are indeed false gods, many of which are actually mentioned in the Bible, such as Baal, Moloch, dagon, marduk, diana,nergal and many others that are all traced back to Nimrod and even further to the fallen angels and nephilium from Genesis chapter 6. You see the false gods are actually the spirits of these traitors to God. So anything you do that ignore what God has said and originated with the worship of these false gods only please the demons because they perceive that they have deceived you away from the truth of God's ways and honoring him.
So, it would seem to me that a lot of the preparation is done and the church in general is ripe for deception because of this mixture and not knowing the proper seasons of God and have instead been more accustom to the seasons of the Advisory. 1 Thes 5:1-4 we have indeed done as Deut 189 -14 warned us not to especially in this case verse 14 and become observant of the wrong times. As well as celebrating of witchcraft and divination which we are not to even have the appearance of 1 Thes 5:22-24 with all these mixed in pagan holidays. I think it is very possible that when the Antichrist arises whom will be filled with the spirit of these false gods that came from Gen 6 that he will please the ears of the lukewarm church by carrying on with these deceptive seasons and they will carry on with no objection. As a litt
Pastor Mike Winger tells why those Bible verses that some people use to support a #flatearth cosmology don't mean what they think they mean.
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