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This is a very good question that Brian is raising.
My thought is, are these physical/audible calls or the Spirit leading the hearer?
What are your thoughts?
There are two major calls that have eschatological importance.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ (Matthew 25:6)
4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4)
How are we to hear these two calls?
There are two major calls that have eschatological importance.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ (Matthew 25:6)
4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4)
How are we to hear these two calls?
Poem of the day:
Consider Him
When the storm is raging high,
When the tempest rends the sky,
When my eyes with tears are dim,
Then my soul, consider Him.
When my plans are in the dust,
When my dearest hopes are crushed,
When is passed each foolish whim,
Then my soul, consider Him.
When with dearest friends I part,
When deep sorrow fills my heart,
When pain racks each weary limb,
Then, my soul, consider Him.
When I track my weary way,
When fresh trials come each day,
When my faith and hope are dim,
Then, my soul, consider Him.
Clouds or sunshine, dark or bright,
Evening shades or morning light,
When my cup flows o'er the brim,
Then, my soul, consider Him.
Daily Prayer
Blessed are You our Adonai and our Elohim. You give increase to our sowing, to our work and to our plantings. You are the Giver of life and life in abundance. May we put our faith in Your goodness and when we have sown, trust the increase to You. Though our faith is often small, it is in You, our Almighty YHVH! We give thanks for those who taught us to have faith, who sow the seed of the Gospel in our hearts. We ask Your blessing upon all preachers, teachers, ministers, rabbi’s and pastors of the Word and Your Commandments. We pray for homes where Your Word is sown and children are given the chance to grow in Your Kingdom. Father, we long for the time when the kingdoms of the world will become the Kingdom of Yeshua our Messiah. May all rulers on earth reflect the gentle and loving rule of Your Kingdom. We pray for all striving to do Your will in their places of work and in their homes and for all who witness to You by their way of life. We give thanks for all those who love us and show us through their lives a glimpse of Your Kingdom. We pray for all who suffer under violence, crime, neglect or war. We pray for all who are homeless, hungry, who feel uncared for or unwanted. We ask Your blessing upon all homes and orphanages or on those taken into care away from their parents. We give thanks for the work of healing in our hospitals and through the healing professions. We pray for areas of this world where there is little care or where problems seem to overwhelm those who seek to help. We give thanks for all Your saints bringing Your Word and who witness to Your love. We ask Your forgiveness for our sins against You and against our neighbours and ask Your blessing of protection over us during this night. We pray this in the Name of our Saviour and Salvation, Yeshua Mashiach, amein.
As some of you may know, I have been actively looking for work for the past 18 months. Father has graciously carried me and my family during this time and I believe the goal was to launch TTN as it has been on my heart since 2017. I had to come to a standstill in my career for this one purpose.
Father has however yesterday miraculously opened up a door for me in an industry that I don't have any experience in and exactly 2 years (to the day) after I walked out of my permanent job in Cape Town to move to the UK.
I want to give Father all the honour and praise as this is a true miracle for me as I stopped counting after having applied for 160 jobs in my industry and only after I stopped stressing and gave it over to Father did He open this door.
This takes a huge financial burden off of my shoulders and will make funding the TTN infrastructure a lot easier, if the growth continues as it does now. Your continued support is however still very needed and appreciated.
Having a fulltime job will however mean that I won't be online for as many hours as I have been in the past, so please be patient with me if you are waiting on a reply. TTN is my first priority after my relationship with Father and my family, so you will continue receiving just as much attention from me when I am available.
All this is abnormal. all these variants are way out of normal you cant tell me its normal. Governments around the world are using the China variant viruses to scare the public into submission. Notice how everything is about emergency... viruses, and taking all your freedom... take it while they dont, wear it... while they dont... there is a multi class tiered system and we aint at the top. We need united non compliance.