Monday July 05: Thought for today:
"Persevere in prayer, but be grateful that YHVH's answers are wiser than your prayers."
"Grow in grace and knowledge of our Adonai and Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach" (2 Pet. 3:18)
Adonai Yeshua, let me discover the wonder and the power of prayer anew through the inspiration of Ruach haKodesh. Sanctify my prayers and make me faithful in my prayer life, amein.
The folks on the technical support side here tried to be really helpful, but i was busy. I ended up trying to create the page and group one more time, and both of them worked. It may have been something to do with the outage, but it doesn't matter at this point. Thank you folks who manage this.
I've been working to get a Homeschooling Torah group started here. I'll need to come back to it again tomorrow, but you are *welcome* to join and invite others in the meantime... :-)
The Android app is now available on the Google Play Store. The Forum post has more information.
Rhy Bezuidenhout
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