Join the Livestream from Coon Rapids, MN now. Then later for our Shabbat Service in Dixon, IL. Message us for more details.
Join us for the Livestream worship from Coon Rapids, MN now.
Regarding following Paul's teachings, my concern is that many misunderstand his teachings. (I know we certainly did on a number of things.)
If his teachings disagree with Yeshua's plain words or with Torah, then we are most likely misunderstanding Paul. Or, if the Torah wording or Yeshua's wordings are not super clear, we might be misunderstanding them.
Paul wrote to specific groups living in a specific historical setting. If we don't learn what that setting was and what challenges they were facing, Paul's words can be easily misunderstood.
Even Kefa/Peter said Paul's writings are sometimes difficult to understand and there are those who twist his words.
I have changed my thinking/understanding many times over the years as I have studied the Word of YHWH. Therefore, I hold all things that are not plainly stated in the Tanakh or by Yeshua in the Apostolic Writings rather loosely.
In other words, I am always open to being incorrect in my understanding, trusting the Ruach will sort all things out in the end. I will not argue with anyone, although I do love a robust dialog where the participants respect one another and can accept that we don't all see things the same way.
I am 67 and my hubby, Dave, is 71. We have been increasingly Torah Pursuant (TP) for a couple decades. We found out about this site through David Martin and Aromem .
We “attended” synagogue fellowships online for a number of years and actually became virtual members of one for several years. The closest in person Messianic synagogue is way too far for us to attend and be a part of, especially with Dave’s pain levels. We have visited it and spoken with the Rabbi there, but their focus is really more on their local nonbelieving Jews (and understandably so) rather than on TP gentiles. It is especially more challenging since he/they don’t believe gentiles are called to it except for the “very few who have the heart of Ruth.”
We currently watch teachings online, but rarely watch a congregational meeting online. We love to be able to pause the teaching and discuss what we're hearing, something that can't be done in a service. We do have favorite teachers we really trust, but would also love to have some in person fellowship.
To that end, we would like to start (or join, if it’s not too far) a home fellowship where we can break bread, study the Word, pray with and for one another, fellowship, and so on with fellow TP Messianics.
I tried to find local folks, but the finder said I had to upgrade. I thought I read I had a silver membership for free for one month so I can try out the site, but I must have misunderstood. (Not a first! LOL)
As with any site I join, it’s a bit overwhelming at first. Any assistance will be appreciated.
I pray you all have a blessed Shabbat.
Lily Portion for Today: Shabbat December 23
YHVH Elohiym is not an idea or a definition which we have created in our minds. He is a loving Presence which we can experience within our hearts. (Prayer: Abba YHVH, help my family when trials and tribulations assails them. Thank You that it never gets so dark in our lives that we cannot see Your Light, and that You do this all for the sake of Yeshua Moshiach our Saviour, amein)
Justin Breithaupt
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