Yom Teruah (“Day of Blowing”)
Yom Teruah is also known as Rosh Hashanah, head of the (civil) year. This day begins the fall Festival season and The Ten Days of Awe. 100 blasts of the shofar are sounded as an alarm that the time has come for Yisrael to meet her Master and Messiah.
It is the day when kings are crowned.
It is also known as Yom Hadyn, the Day of Judgment, the great and fearful day of wrath upon those who do not fear YHWH.
For those who do love and reverence Him, it is sometimes called Yom Hazikaron, the Day of Remembrance, reminding us that He is not a mechanical lawgiver, bent only upon our destruction for every sin we commit, but He is a great and merciful Father who desires that we return to Him as obedient sons and daughters.
Readings: B’reishyth 21 & 22; Bemidbar 29:1-6; Shemu’el Aleph 1:1-2:10 and Yirmeyahu 31:1-20.
L’shana Tovah Tikatevu!
May you be inscribed for an excellent year!
Why is the law about an unsolved murder placed between laws on warfare? Killing in war is not a sin, but it still brings a collective blood guilt that must be purged.
The heifer killed for an unsolved murder is not a sacrifice or atonement, as all sacrifices must be offered at the altar in Jerusalem. There's no altar here of any kind. Moses doesn't give us a clear explanation of what is going on in Deuteronomy 21:1-9. Is the heifer beheaded or neck broken? There's a lot of disagreement about that among Jewish & Christian commentators. I see good arguments both ways.
Shalom, friends,
We invite you to join us live on Zoom and YouTube at 4pm Central Standard Time on this Sabbath afternoon, 08/31/2024, for scripture study and prayers.
The lesson for the day is titled: "Hypocrites!"
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The original article this lesson is based upon, as well as many others, can be found in the Library page of our website at:
Then I took your father Abraham from beyond the River and led him through all the land of Canaan, and made his offspring many. I gave him Isaac.
Joshua 24:3 #lechlecha #lekhlekha #faith
God multiplied Abraham's children before Isaac was born. His promises are fulfilled as soon as they're spoken, but obedience to God's instructions today doesn't always bring all the promised blessings today. Everything in God's time.