The scripture references for this week's Torah portion, K'DOSHIM, are available on our phone app and website.
Thought for Today: Monday May 02; Day 16 of the Omer:
YHVH is above all things: your problems, your pain and the swirling events in this ever-changing world. When you behold His Face, you will rise above circumstances and rest with Him in heavenly realms. This is the way of peace, living in the Light of His Presence. I guarantee that you will always have problems in this life, but they must not become your focus. When you feel as if you are sinking in quicksand of circumstances, just ask: [Help me Yeshua] and He will draw you back to Himself. If you have to say that a thousand times daily, don’t be discourage. YHVH knows your weakness and He will meet you in that very place.
Everything that #yeshuaand the Apostles taught was solidly based in the Old Testament scriptures, especially the #torah. I compiled a list of 100s of New Testament passages that correspond to the 54 annual Torah readings. Download it here:
The scripture references for this week's Torah portion, K'DOSHIM, are available on our phone app and website.