Question 115: When did John the Baptist die?
The date is somewhat difficult to determine with any degree of reliability. The first Passover of Yeshua' ministry is believed to have occurred in A. D. 27. His baptism at John's hands took place immediately before that time. John's imprisonment in the tower of Machaerus in all probability began in A. D. 27 and in the first half of that year, but Herod's unwillingness to put him to death may have delayed the climax until the beginning of A. D. 28. Tradition says he was buried in Samaria.
Question 114: Was John the Baptist sentenced to death before the dance of Salome?
While there is no record to prove it, the presumption is that Herod in his mind, had already condemned John on political grounds as one whose existence endangered his position and authority, but his awakened conscience and the fear inspired by John's teachings restrained him. He had kept John in the prison of Machaerus nearly a year when the Salome incident occurred, which gave Herodias her opportunity to be revenged upon the Baptist, who had rebuked both her and Herod for their sinful relations. It cannot be asserted that Herod would have executed John had not the king been caught by his pledge to Salome. On the contrary Mark 6:26 tells us that he "was exceeding sorrowful."
Question 113: What is known of John’s birth and early training?
He was of the priestly race by both parents, his father Zacharias, being a priest of the course of Abijah and Elisabeth a descendant of Aaron. Of the first thirty years of his life, the only history we have is contained in a single verse, Luke 1:8. But it is a reasonable presumption that he received the Jewish ecclesiastical training of that period. He was the chosen forerunner of the Messiah (Luke 1:76). Dwelling alone in the desert region westward of the Dead Sea, he prepared himself for his work by discipline and constant prayer. One of his instructors, Banus (mentioned by Josephus, the Jewish historian), tells how he lived with John in the desert, eating the sparse food and bathing frequently by day and night at last (about A. D. 25) John came forth from his hermit-like seclusion in the wild mountainous tract in Judea lying beyond the desert and the Dead Sea and took up the work of his real office, preaching repentance and baptism and attracting great multitudes.
Question 112: What were the locusts that became the food of John the Baptist?
Some writers think it may have been the common locust or green grasshopper which, when prepared and dried, tastes somewhat like a shrimp. Many ancient authors mention them as food. Diodorus Siculus refers to a people of Ethiopia, who were called acridophaghi or locust eaters. Porphryius says that whole armies have been saved from starvation by eating locusts. Aristotle and Aristophanes assert that they were relished by the Greeks and Layard the discoverer, found evidence that they were eaten in a preserved state by the Assyrians. Later commentators, however have conjectured that the "locust" mentioned in Mark's Gospel as being the food of John the Baptist, was the carob, the fruit of a tree of the locust family, which is a sort of sweetish bean in pods, much used by the poorer classes.
Frequently asked questions and answers:
Question 111: Did John write the last chapter of his Gospel?
We know that it has been asserted by some critics that this chapter must have been added by another hand, because the evangelist concluded his work in the previous chapter. This however, is not accepted by sound scholarship, for the reason that it is not unusual in the New Testament writings and in other good books, for authors to insert supplementary matter, to which class the chapter in question clearly belongs. There is no evidence that John's Gospel was ever known in the early Church without this chapter. John it is true, refers to himself in the third person; but he did so also in chapter 19:35 in practically the same terms as in 21:24. The best commentators agree as to the genuineness on prima facie evidence.
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WORD FOR TODAY “who do you emulate?”: Mat 10:24 "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. Mat 10:25 "It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household!
SPOKEN VERSE FOR TODAY: Ecc 3:1 There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—
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