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I had an idea yesterday that I want to 'bounce' off of this group...
We have lots of fences and I dropped echinacea seed all along the outside of the fence on one side because it is a) pretty (purple cone flowers) and b) useful. But, as I was doing it, it occurred to me that I can plant climbing beans (probably black) all along my many fence rows and just let them grow until harvest time. Guessing the cows will generally leave them alone in most places, particularly if the beans simply outpace them in growth. And, multiple fences have no ruminants next to them...
I'm just pondering how to plant a large bean crop without using up massive garden space. As a climber. once the beans are up a foot or two, weeds/grass along bottom won't matter.
Get that garden in. Big plot if you can, even small container garden, if that is all you have room for... Also, some good precious metals info in this video in two places. Worth the watch!
I postd this video in the Homestead Tips Tricks group because it is so food centered, but there is excellent PM info in a couple places worth your time...
But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.
#John 1:12 #Bible #Gospels #VerseOfTheDay #DailyBread #Scripture #ScripturePictures #scriptureart
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
Although, sacrificing an otherwise clean animal to a pagan god doesn't necessarily make the meat unclean, eating meat that actually *is* unclean or participating in the pagan ritual itself, including the ritual eating of the animal, is a sin and cannot bring glory to God in any way. It is impossible to glorify God by doing that which he has forbidden.
Amy Guenther
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