Created OOMs 👉
He took the same path, without hoping to catch up with it; he couldn't let his guard down until more familiar with the place. In the wall he spied a metal piece like the winding key of a toy. He drew a Plinth scanner and scanned it: no trap, but some mystery. He threw away his scanner picture: with his skill in drawing, it could only be used once. As soon as he twisted the metal, it came out of the wall, pulling out with itself a stretching line of pinkish substance. It came fully out, and with a snap reformed into an upside-down vase shape hovering in the air, the metal dangling below. Arney caught a glimpse of what might have been thousands of worms clustered inside, before it went out like a pierced balloon, and nothing was left but the metal bit, twisted and smoking on the ground.
So soon, and faced with something that perhaps could have sent him on a mission, or a priceless find under his belt, but it was utterly beyond him.
#writtenoom #arneyofthemaze
Thought for Today: Tuesday February 11
When you first meet Paul in the Bible, when he was called Saul, you will learn that his sole purpose was to kill all believers in Yeshua. But he changed on the road to Damascus. He met Yeshua, and became absolutely convinced that Yeshua was not an imposter but the Son of YHVH Elohiym, Who is the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Light and the Resurrection. He started to see people the way YHVH sees them. He saw them in their lostness and confusion. When you go through your day today, also see people the same way, and do not stop praying for them. Many are in need of your prayers, even if they do not know you pray for them!
“Thus says the Lord God (Yahuwah): “When I have gathered the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and am hallowed in them in the sight of the Gentiles, then they will dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob. And they will dwell safely there, build houses, and plant vineyards; yes, they will dwell securely, when I execute judgments on all those around them who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the Lord their God.”
Ezekiel 28:25-26 NKJV
If you want to see some examples what American tax money was spent on, here’s a humorous way of doing it. @Rhy Bezuidenhout
Question 330: Should We Endure Uncongenial Association?
In 1 Corinthians 7:15 the bondage of uncongenial association is meant. In Corinth, unbelievers were of a particularly vicious type. The newly converted Moshiachian would be pained day by day by the conduct of an unbelieving husband or wife. The members of the church inquired of Paul whether it was their duty to separate in such cases. He advised their remaining together and for the believer to try to lead the unbeliever to Moshiach. But if the unbeliever went away, the believer was not bound to seek a renewal of relations. Let the unbeliever go. There was no compulsion in cases requiring the believer and the unbeliever to live together.
Question 329: Is Being Killed In An Accident A Punishment?
No, it is not right even to think such a thing and it is a gross slander on YHVH to say it. Yeshua was very explicit on that subject. (See Luke 13:1-5.) The tower of Siloam had fallen and had killed eighteen persons and Yeshua was told of it. He took occasion to disabuse His hearers' minds of the idea that accidents were to be regarded as punishments. There was another case in which the question was put to Him directly. He was asked who had sinned, a blind man or his parents that he was born blind and he answered, neither (John 9:2, 3). The whole book of Job is devoted to the subject. Job's friends thought that his affliction was punishment for hidden sin. YHVH Himself interferes to reprove them. It is a wicked and a cruel thing to add to the affliction of a bereaved family by suggesting that their loss is a punishment of the dead or the living.