Thought for Today: Tuesday May 31:
Faith must have an object. We do not simply have faith; we have faith in something or someone… The Bible says: -- Through Him [you] believe in YHVH, Who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in our Elohim – 1 Peter 1:21.
People put their faith in all kinds of ideas and beliefs, from astrology to alleged spiritual guides, to science and humanism. But only Moshiach reveals YHVH to us and only He can bridge the gap between us and our Elohim – a gap caused by sin. Do not be deceived or misled. Only Moshiach is worthy of your faith.
I think He's at it again...
Yah has worked His might to remove people from my life before and I think He's at it again. I recently had to make the difficult decision to end my homeschool group mid-summer. It's a group I run but, there's insufficient participation and it's become more of a burden (mentally, physically and financially) than a blessing. I've also had people drop out of my life abruptly again lately, including a fair-weathered acquaintance who moved today and texted me that today was the day for a move that I was never even told was pending. She acted offended that I didn't know who was texting, despite her having not contacted me in more than three weeks, since I'd factory restored my phone and lost my contacts. After stating my peace, including her neglecting to acknowledge that this move effects my children as well, who just lost friends without even knowing, I chose not to re-save her number and move on from a toxic relationship.
I'm just tired of this. I'm grateful that he's pruning people from my life, as He knows better than I ever could, but, I sure would appreciate if He'd bring a few good people INTO my life as well! I'm tired of being lonely and I want someone I can actually trust!
The Bible is full of chiasms (kai'-a-zumz), literary structures used to provide a framework to a story--what a novelist might call a story arc--or to convey additional meaning to what is contained by the bare text.
#biblepatterns #chiasms