What is happening with SPORTS!
Another Summer fighting with Politics in sports.
Isn't it sad that sports have fallen for the "Fauci way" (stay at home) to kill Americans' love for sports? This Goose will not be killed but let us take our golden eggs somewhere else. They have killed college and now all sports with LBGTwherever. Science has been USURPED by politics. Maybe turtle races will make a comeback? Just a thought.
On this Memorial Day, we've got a COUPON for you. We'd like to tell you about our American History curriculum. Because we believe that the Bible reveals all of history (past, present and future), it just makes sense to use the Bible as our primary history textbook. In fact, we believe that knowing God’s plan for mankind is essential for our children (in fact, for all people).
There are so many opinions on how to present American History! While it is our goal to use the Bible as our primary textbook, it’s not as easy as world history because we can’t turn to very many specific Scripture verses that talk about the United States, to know YHVH’s opinion of our country.
As you probably already know, we use the book of Revelation to teach world history. We continue this perspective in American History.
“Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days” (Revelation 12:6).
“But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent” (Revelation 12:14).
We see America in Revelation 12 as the place prepared by God in the wilderness, to shelter those “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah” (Revelation 12:17). This place of shelter would only be in place from around 1620 to the 1960s, as you can read in Christine Miller’s Revelation Revealed book (chapter 12).
Our emphases will be the protection of Christians, Jews, and also those “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah.” In the 20th century, we’ll show how this protection ended and what replaced it.
In celebration of Memorial Day, enjoy this 25% off coupon, until May 31. COUPON: MEMORIAL
The danger with supressing the truth, even for a little while, or with a person you dislike, is that when it finally becomes openly known, people will still cling to the lie. Especially when the "official" sources don't print retractions. This has happened quite a bit lately, with sources like Facebook, Google and "news" sources killing the truth. The billionaires that control these information sources are unlikely to have any of our interests at heart.
Note: Understand that the writer of the teachings below are for the most part his personal perspective on this topic. Natzari Yehudess, nor our spiritual covering, Rabbi Michaels of Congregation Beth Menuchah subscribe to all points of this particular teaching, but only share it so that the reader may glean and exercise oneself in the study of YHWH’s Word to show approval and confidence in the knowledge of Him.
Rebbetzin Nava Michaels
Approved by Rabbi Ian Michaels
Mashal #44. Wise and foolish virgins (Kingdom of Heaven):
Note: Understand that the writer of the teachings below are for the most part his personal perspective on this topic. Natzari Yehudess, nor our spiritual covering, Rabbi Michaels of Congregation Beth Menuchah subscribe to all points of this particular teaching, but only share it so that the reader may glean and exercise oneself in the study of YHWH’s Word to show approval and confidence in the knowledge of Him.
Rebbetzin Nava Michaels
Approved by Rabbi Ian Michaels
Mashal #44. Wise and foolish virgins (Kingdom of Heaven):