Someone Experiencing Grief or Loss
Isaiah 53:4 (AMP) / Isaiah 61:1 (AMP) / Hebrews 13:5 (AMP) / Galatians 6:2 (AMP) / James 1:22 / Romans 12:15 (AMP) / Philemon 7 (AMP) / John 14:26 (AMP)
Abba, in the Name of Yeshua, we approach Your Throne of Grace, bringing ………. (person’s name), before You. We know that grief is a human emotional process, and we give him/her the space that he/she needs to enter into the rest that You have for him/her. Abba, Yeshua bore ……….’s (person’s name) griefs and carried his/her sorrows and pains; we know that Your Spirit is upon Yeshua to bind up and heal ………… (person’s name) broken heart. May he/she be gentle with himself/herself, knowing that he/she is not alone in his/her grief. You are with him/her, and You will never leave him/her without support. Give us, ……….’s (person’s name) friends and prayer partners, discernment, sympathy, and understanding so that we may bear his/her burden of loss. We trust You guide him/her and we respect his/her decision awaiting the manifestation of Your healing. Abba, we desire to be doers of Your Word and not hearers only. Therefore, we make a commitment to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep. We pray that our love will give ………. (person’s name) great joy and comfort and encouragement, because he/she has cheered and refreshed the hearts of many of Your people. Thank You Abba for sending Ruach HaKodesh to comfort, counsel, help, intercede, defend, strengthen and stand by ……… (person’s name) in this time of grieve and sorrow. In Yeshua Name we pray, amein.
Vaera וָאֵרָא
And I Appeared
TORAH Exodus 6:2-9:35
PROPHETS Ezekiel 28:25-29:21
GOSPEL Luke 11:14-22
Portion Outline
Exodus 6:14 The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron
Exodus 6:28 Moses and Aaron Obey God's Commands
Exodus 7:8 Aaron's Miraculous Rod
Exodus 7:14 The First Plague: Water Turned to Blood
Exodus 8:1 The Second Plague: Frogs
Exodus 8:16 The Third Plague: Gnats
Exodus 8:20 The Fourth Plague: Flies
Exodus 9:1 The Fifth Plague: Livestock Diseased
Exodus 9:8 The Sixth Plague: Boils
Exodus 9:13 The Seventh Plague: Thunder and Hail
Eze 28:25 Future Blessing for Israel
Eze 29:1 Proclamation against Egypt
Eze 29:17 Babylonia Will Plunder Egypt
Shabbat Service 1.6.24
Mysteries of Shemot
Steph i hope i didnt accidentally offend you! I tried to give a thumbs up...did it grimmace instead again?!
Like a lame man's legs, which hang useless, is a proverb in the mouth of fools.
Proverbs 26:7 ESV
A fool doesn't understand the meaning or application of a proverb. He uses it to mock or bludgeon or to make himself look wise without doing any of the work required to gain real wisdom. If people listen to his advice, he's more likely to do harm with the best intentions.
There is a #chiasm in the #10plagues of Egypt:
a. Blood
.b. Frogs
..c. Lice
...d. Flies
....e. Cattle
....e. Man/beast
...d. Hail
..c. Locust
.b. Darkness
a. Firstborn
Do you see the link between opposing plagues in the 10 Plagues chiasm?
Plagues 1/10: Both attacked the very life of Egypt: the Nile and firstborn sons.
Plagues 2/9: Ever taken a country road at night and seen frogs everywhere? Most frogs are nocturnal.
Plagues 3/8: The lice were the "finger of God" and the locusts came because Pharaoh sinned against God.
Plagues 4/7: Goshen was spared in both plagues.
Plagues 5/6: Both were directed against higher lifeforms, aka nephesh.